Liquid glue

Liquid glue
Жидкий клей.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Liquid glue" в других словарях:

  • Liquid glue — Glue Glue (gl[=u]), n. [F. glu, L. glus, akin to gluten, from gluere to draw together. Cf. {Gluten}.] A hard brittle brownish gelatin, obtained by boiling to a jelly the skins, hoofs, etc., of animals. When gently heated with water, it becomes… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • liquid glue — noun : a fluid preparation of glue (as of animal glue with a chemical liquefier in water) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Glue — (gl[=u]), n. [F. glu, L. glus, akin to gluten, from gluere to draw together. Cf. {Gluten}.] A hard brittle brownish gelatin, obtained by boiling to a jelly the skins, hoofs, etc., of animals. When gently heated with water, it becomes viscid and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Glue plant — Glue Glue (gl[=u]), n. [F. glu, L. glus, akin to gluten, from gluere to draw together. Cf. {Gluten}.] A hard brittle brownish gelatin, obtained by boiling to a jelly the skins, hoofs, etc., of animals. When gently heated with water, it becomes… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • glue — 1) fish glue (isinglass (the glutinous or gelatin like fluid prepared from the collagen of the outer layer of gas bladders of sturgeons or other fishes. Used in clarifying wines and beers, for jams and jellies, in printing inks and as an adhesive …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Glue stick — Glue sticks are solid adhesives in twist or push up tubes. The user can apply glue by holding the open tube, thus keeping their fingers clean. Because of their ease of use, and their economic value, glue sticks are a popular school and office… …   Wikipedia

  • Liquid bandage — is a topical skin treatment for minor cuts and sores that is sold by several companies. The products are mixtures of chemicals which create a polymeric layer which binds to the skin. This protects the wound by keeping dirt and germs out, and… …   Wikipedia

  • glue — [glo͞o] n. [ME gleu < OFr glu, birdlime < LL glus (gen. glutis), glue: see CLAY] 1. a hard, brittle gelatin made by boiling animal skins, bones, hoofs, etc. to a jelly: when heated in water, it forms a sticky, viscous liquid used to stick… …   English World dictionary

  • glue — gluelike, adj. gluer, n. /glooh/, n., v., glued, gluing. n. 1. a hard, impure, protein gelatin, obtained by boiling skins, hoofs, and other animal substances in water, that when melted or diluted is a strong adhesive. 2. any of various solutions… …   Universalium

  • Bee glue — Glue Glue (gl[=u]), n. [F. glu, L. glus, akin to gluten, from gluere to draw together. Cf. {Gluten}.] A hard brittle brownish gelatin, obtained by boiling to a jelly the skins, hoofs, etc., of animals. When gently heated with water, it becomes… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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