Jump line

Jump line
Заголовок продолжения;
Строка в конце неоконченного текста с указанием страницы продолжения.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Jump line" в других словарях:

  • jump line — noun : a directional line of print (as “continued on page 7, column 2”) at the end of the first part of a divided story or article in a newspaper or periodical or a line (as “continued from page 1”) at the continuation * * * Journalism. a line of …   Useful english dictionary

  • jump line — Journalism. a line of type identifying the page on or from which a newspaper story is continued. * * * …   Universalium

  • jump — [jump] vi. [< ?] 1. to move oneself suddenly from the ground, etc. by using the leg muscles; leap; spring 2. to be moved with a jerk; bob; bounce 3. to parachute from an aircraft 4. to move, act, or react energetically or eagerly: often with… …   English World dictionary

  • pressure jump line — noun : a line along which an atmospheric pressure wave produces a sudden increase of pressure that often results in storms …   Useful english dictionary

  • jump — ► VERB 1) push oneself off the ground using the muscles in one s legs and feet. 2) move over, onto, or down from by jumping. 3) move suddenly and quickly. 4) make a sudden involuntary movement in surprise. 5) (jump at/on) accept eagerly. 6)… …   English terms dictionary

  • jump the line — jump the ˈqueue idiom (BrE) (US jump the ˈline) to go to the front of a line of people without waiting for your turn Main entry: ↑jumpidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • jump in line — ► jump the queue (or N. Amer. jump in line) 1) move ahead of one s proper place in a queue of people. 2) take unfair precedence over others. Main Entry: ↑jump …   English terms dictionary

  • jump the queue — ► jump the queue (or N. Amer. jump in line) 1) move ahead of one s proper place in a queue of people. 2) take unfair precedence over others. Main Entry: ↑jump …   English terms dictionary

  • jump jet — jump ,jet noun count MAINLY BRITISH an airplane that can move up or down in a straight line when it leaves the ground or lands …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • jump — 1 /dZVmp/ verb 1 UPWARDS a) (I) to push yourself suddenly up in the air using your legs (+ over/across/onto etc): He jumped over the wall and ran off. | jump up and down: The kids love jumping up and down on their beds. | jump clear (=jump out of …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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