Hardware design

Hardware design
Конструкция аппаратуры;
Конструкция устройства.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Hardware design" в других словарях:

  • computer hardware design electronics engineer — aparatinės įrangos projektavimo elektronikos inžinierius statusas T sritis profesijos apibrėžtis Elektronikos inžinierius, kuris planuoja, projektuoja ir rūpinasi aparatinės kompiuterių įrangos elektroninių įtaisų įrengimu, veikimu, technine… …   Inžinieriai, technikai ir technologai. Trikalbis aiškinamasis žodynėlis

  • Hardware emulation — is the process of imitating the behavior of one or more pieces of hardware (typically a system under design) with another piece of hardware, typically a special purpose emulation system. The goal is normally debugging of the system being designed …   Wikipedia

  • Hardware description language — In electronics, a hardware description language or HDL is any language from a class of computer languages and/or programming languages for formal description of electronic circuits. It can describe the circuit s operation, its design and… …   Wikipedia

  • Hardware libre — |añoacceso=2009 |autor= |enlaceautor= |idioma= }}</ref>]] Hardware libre de Bug Labs.[1] …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hardware architect — (In the automation and engineering environments, the hardware engineer or architect encompasses the electronic engineering and electrical engineering fields, with subspecialities in analog, digital, or electromechanical systems.)The hardware… …   Wikipedia

  • Hardware architecture — In engineering, hardware architecture refers to the the identification of a system s physical components and their interrelationships. This description, often called a hardware design model, allows hardware designers to understand how their… …   Wikipedia

  • Hardware-Beschreibungs-Sprache — Eine Hardwarebeschreibungssprache (engl. Hardware Description Language, HDL) ist eine formale Sprache mit der Operationen von integrierten Schaltungen und ihr Design beschrieben sowie in Simulationen getestet werden können.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Hardware Description Language — Eine Hardwarebeschreibungssprache (engl. Hardware Description Language, HDL) ist eine formale Sprache mit der Operationen von integrierten Schaltungen und ihr Design beschrieben sowie in Simulationen getestet werden können.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • hardware — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ computer ▪ military ▪ companies selling military hardware ▪ new … OF HARDWARE ▪ piece …   Collocations dictionary

  • hardware — /hahrd wair /, n. 1. metalware, as tools, locks, hinges, or cutlery. 2. the mechanical equipment necessary for conducting an activity, usually distinguished from the theory and design that make the activity possible. 3. military weapons and… …   Universalium

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