Hard pull

Hard pull
Жирный [насыщенный] корректурный оттиск.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Hard pull" в других словарях:

  • pull — /pʊl / (say pool) verb (t) 1. to draw or haul towards oneself or itself, in a particular direction, or into a particular position: to pull a sledge up a hill. 2. to draw or tug at with force: to pull a person s hair. 3. to draw, rend, or tear… …  

  • Hard Inquiry — A type of credit report check that may lower an individual’s credit score. A hard inquiry occurs when an individual applies for any type of credit, such as a mortgage, credit card or auto loan. The reason a hard inquiry may lower an… …   Investment dictionary

  • hard job — Synonyms and related words: Augean task, Herculean task, arduousness, backbreaker, backbreaking work, ballbuster, bitch, burdensomeness, chore, dead lift, effortfulness, handful, hard labor, hard pull, hard work, heavy sledding, laboriousness,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • pull your weight — ► to work as hard as other people or as hard as expected and needed: »Everyone is expected to pull their weight on this project. Main Entry: ↑pull …   Financial and business terms

  • pull one's punches — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not to hit as hard as you can. * /Jimmy pulled his punches and let Paul win the boxing match./ 2. To hide unpleasant facts or make them seem good. Usually used in the negative. * /The mayor spoke bluntly; he didn t pull… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pull one's punches — {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. Not to hit as hard as you can. * /Jimmy pulled his punches and let Paul win the boxing match./ 2. To hide unpleasant facts or make them seem good. Usually used in the negative. * /The mayor spoke bluntly; he didn t pull… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • pull your punches — pull (your/its) punches to deal with something in a way that is not completely honest. I want you to tell me what you think, and don t pull your punches. The film pulls its punches by making a disaster seem romantic. Opposite of: pull no punches… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pull its punches — pull (your/its) punches to deal with something in a way that is not completely honest. I want you to tell me what you think, and don t pull your punches. The film pulls its punches by making a disaster seem romantic. Opposite of: pull no punches… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pull punches — pull (your/its) punches to deal with something in a way that is not completely honest. I want you to tell me what you think, and don t pull your punches. The film pulls its punches by making a disaster seem romantic. Opposite of: pull no punches… …   New idioms dictionary

  • pull through something — pull through (something) to experience difficulties and continue to live or succeed. I didn t think he d survive, but he somehow pulled through. Those flowers can pull through a mild winter. We hope our experience will encourage them to pull… …   New idioms dictionary

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