Halftone reproduction

Halftone reproduction
Репродуцирование (полу)тоновыхполутоновых¦тоновых оригиналов с использованием растра;
Растровая репродукция.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Halftone reproduction" в других словарях:

  • B & W [black and white] halftone reproduction — Чёрно белая растровая репродукция …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Halftone — For the music interval, see semitone. Left: Halftone dots. Right: How the human eye would see this sort of arrangement from a sufficient distance. Halftone is the reprographic technique that simulates continuous tone imagery through the use of… …   Wikipedia

  • halftone process — In printing, a technique of breaking up an image into a series of dots to permit reproduction of the full tone range of a photograph or artwork. It is traditionally done by placing a glass screen printed with a tight grid of lines over the plate… …   Universalium

  • halftone — /ˈhaftoʊn/ (say hahftohn) noun 1. Painting, Photography, etc. a value intermediate between high light and deep shade. 2. Photoengraving a. a process in which gradation of tone is obtained by a system of minute dots produced by a screen placed in… …  

  • Halftone — Halftoning Le Halftoning (demi ton), ou génération d images en demi tons est une technique utilisée par les imprimantes, pour permettre de rendre des niveaux de gris à partir d une impression binaire. Les imprimantes ne peuvent imprimer que des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • halftone engraving — Synonyms and related words: albertype, book printing, chromotypography, chromotypy, chromoxylography, collotype, color printing, electronography, electrostatic printing, graphic arts, gravure, history of printing, job printing, letterpress,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Tonal Reproduction Curve — is often referred to by its initials, TRC, and the R is sometimes said to stand for Response, as in Tonal Response Curve.A Tonal Reproduction Curve is applied to the luminance value of an electronic image which adjusts for dot gain of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Dot gain — (also known as Tonal Value Increase) is a phenomenon in offset lithography and some other forms of printing which causes printed material to look darker than intended. It is caused by halftone dots growing in area between the original printing… …   Wikipedia

  • Duotone — This article is about multitone printing. For the Kenny G album, see Duotones. A duotone image, made using black and blue inks in Photoshop. Duotone is a halftone reproduction of an image using the superimposition of one contrasting color… …   Wikipedia

  • Documentary photography — usually refers to a popular form of photography used to chronicle significant and historical events. It is typically covered in professional photojournalism, but it may also be an amateur, artistic, or academic pursuit. The photographer attempts… …   Wikipedia

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