Grasp of gripper

Grasp of gripper
Зажим (листа) захватом.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Grasp of gripper" в других словарях:

  • gripper — grip ► VERB (gripped, gripping) 1) take and keep a firm hold of; grasp tightly. 2) deeply affect or afflict. 3) hold the attention or interest of. ► NOUN 1) a firm hold. 2) intellectual understanding …   English terms dictionary

  • automation — /aw teuh may sheuhn/, n. 1. the technique, method, or system of operating or controlling a process by highly automatic means, as by electronic devices, reducing human intervention to a minimum. 2. a mechanical device, operated electronically,… …   Universalium

  • Industrial robot — Articulated industrial robot operating in a foundry …   Wikipedia

  • grip — /grɪp / (say grip) noun 1. the act of grasping; a seizing and holding fast; firm grasp: the grip of a vice. 2. the power of gripping. 3. a grasp, hold or control: *Hugo held her hand in an iron grip –martin boyd, 1946. 4. a handle or hilt. 5. a… …  

  • Grip — Grip, v. t. [From {Grip} a grasp; or P. gripper to seize; of German origin. See {Gripe}, v. t.] To give a grip to; to grasp; to gripe. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • grip — I. transitive verb (gripped; gripping) Etymology: Middle English grippen, from Old English grippan; akin to Old English grīpan Date: before 12th century 1. to seize or hold firmly 2. to hold the interest of strongly < a story that grips the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • grip — grip1 [grip] n. [ME gripe < OE gripa, a clutch, handful < base of grīpan: see GRIPE] 1. the act of taking firmly and holding fast with the hand, teeth, an instrument, etc.; secure grasp; firm hold 2. the manner in which this is done 3. any… …   English World dictionary

  • grip — v. & n. v. (gripped, gripping) 1 a tr. grasp tightly; take a firm hold of. b intr. take a firm hold, esp. by friction. 2 tr. (of a feeling or emotion) deeply affect (a person) (was gripped by fear). 3 tr. compel the attention or interest of (a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Articulated robot — A six axis articulated welding robot reaching into a fixture to weld. An articulated robot is a robot with rotary joints[citation needed] (e.g. a legged robot or an industrial robot). Articulated robots ca …   Wikipedia

  • End effector — Other use:in Computer Graphics, an end effector is the position and orientation of the last joint in a chain of joints In robotics, an end effector is the device at the end of a robotic arm, designed to interact with the environment. The exact… …   Wikipedia

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