Graphics subsystem

Graphics subsystem
Подсистема обработки графического материала.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Graphics subsystem" в других словарях:

  • Graphics Device Interface — The Graphics Device Interface (GDI) is a Microsoft Windows application programming interface and core operating system component responsible for representing graphical objects and transmitting them to output devices such as monitors and printers …   Wikipedia

  • Graphics device interface — A graphics device interface is a subsystem that most operating systems use for representing graphical objects and transmitting them to output devices such as monitors and printers. In most cases, the graphics device interface is only able to draw …   Wikipedia

  • Graphics Device Interface — Das Graphics Device Interface (GDI) ist eine Komponente des Betriebssystems Microsoft Windows. Es dient als Programmierschnittstelle zu den logischen Grafikgeräten (Grafikkarte, Drucker) und kapselt die Komplexität der Hardware ab. GDI ist… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • General Graphics Interface — infobox software name = General Graphics Interface developer = GGI developers latest release version = 2.2.2 latest release date = release date|2007|01|27 operating system = Cross platform genre = Video games, Multimedia SDK license = BSD license …   Wikipedia

  • Silicon Graphics — Infobox Company company name = SGI company company type = Public (NASDAQ|SGIC) company slogan = Innovation for Results foundation = California (1982) location city = Sunnyvale, California location country = USA key people = Robert Bo Ewald, CEO… …   Wikipedia

  • Elan Graphics — is a computer graphics architecture for Silicon Graphics computer workstations. Elan Graphics was developed in 1991 and was available as a high end graphics option on workstations released during the mid 1990s as part of the Express Graphics… …   Wikipedia

  • IMPACT (computer graphics) — IMPACT (also known as Impact) refers to a 3D computer graphics architecture and a family of implementations of the aforementioned architecture developed and manufactured by Silicon Graphics from 1995 to 1997. Introduced on 10 July 1995, it was a… …   Wikipedia

  • Client/Server Runtime Subsystem — Client/Server Runtime Subsystem, or csrss.exe, is a component of the Microsoft Windows NT operating system that provides the user mode side of the Win32 subsystem and is included in Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows… …   Wikipedia

  • Video Graphics Array — The term Video Graphics Array (VGA) refers specifically to the display hardware first introduced with the IBM PS/2 line of computers in 1987 [cite web|title=Chronology of IBM Personal Computers|url= KPOLSSON/ibmpc/ibm1987 …   Wikipedia

  • Extreme Graphics — is a computer graphics architecture for Silicon Graphics computer workstations. Extreme Graphics was developed in 1993 and was available as a high end graphics option on workstations such as the Indigo2, released during the mid 1990s. Extreme… …   Wikipedia

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