German type

German type
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Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "German type" в других словарях:

  • German Type XXIII submarine — German Type XXIII submarines were the first so called elektroboats to become operational. They were small coastal submarines designed to operate in the shallow waters of the North Sea, Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea, where larger Type XXI… …   Wikipedia

  • German Type II submarine — The Type II U boat was designed by Germany as a coastal submarine, modeled after the submarine CV 707, which was designed by Dutch dummy company Ingenieurskantoor voor Scheepsbouw den Haag (I.v.S) (set up by Germany after World War I in order to… …   Wikipedia

  • German Type VII submarine — Type VII U boats were the workhorses of the German World War II U boot waffe . Type VII was based on earlier German submarine designs going back to the World War I Type UB III, designed through the Dutch dummy company Ingenieurskantoor voor… …   Wikipedia

  • German Type X submarine — Type X (XB) U boats were a special type of German submarine (U boat). Although intended as long range mine layers, they were later used as long range cargo transports, a task they shared with the Type IXD and Italian Romolo class… …   Wikipedia

  • German Type XXI submarine — Type XXI U boats, also known as Elektroboote , were the first submarines designed to operate entirely submerged, rather than as surface ships that could submerge as a temporary means to escape detection or launch an attack. They were… …   Wikipedia

  • German Type IX submarine — Type IXB was an improved model with an increased range. It was the most successful version overall with each boat averaging a total of over 100,000 tonnes sunk. Famous IXB boats included U 123 under the command of Reinhard Hardegen, which opened… …   Wikipedia

  • German Type XIV submarine — Class overview Builders: Deutsche Werke (U 459 to U 464) Germaniawerft (U 487 to U 490) Operators …   Wikipedia

  • German Type XVII submarine — The Type XVII U boats were small coastal submarines which used Hellmuth Walter s high test peroxide propulsion system, which offered a combination of air independent propulsion and high submerged speeds.BackgroundIn the early 1930s Hellmuth… …   Wikipedia

  • German Type I submarine — The Type I U boat was the first post World War I attempt by the German Kriegsmarine to produce an ocean going submarine. Only two Type IAs were built, but the decision to halt production on further boats is believed to be because of political… …   Wikipedia

  • German Type UB III submarine — The UB III type submarine was a class of U boat built during World War I by the Kaiserliche Marine. UB III boats carried 10 torpedoes and were armed with one 88 mm deck gun. They carried a crew of 34 and had a cruising range of around 9,000 miles …   Wikipedia

  • List of German Type XXIII submarines — German Type XXIII submarines were small, fast coastal craft, capable of remaining underwater indefinitely whilst at sea (fuel permitting). This made them extremely dangerous to allied shipping and much better protected against allied counter… …   Wikipedia

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