General bibliography

General bibliography
Общая библиография.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "General bibliography" в других словарях:

  • General Bibliography —  PRIMARY SOURCES  ◘ The Ancient Track: Complete Poetical Works.Edited by S.T.Joshi. San Francisco: Night Shade Books, 2001.  ◘ The Annotated H.P.Lovecraft.Edited by S.T.Joshi. New York: Dell, 1997.  ◘ The Annotated Supernatural Horror in… …   An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia

  • BIBLIOGRAPHY — As in general bibliography, the development of Hebrew bibliography is characterized by the transition from brief listings to more detailed catalogues. The listing of the books of the Bible which appears in the Talmud (BB 14b, 15a) had as its… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bibliography of work on Objectivism — Ayn Rand and Objectivism have become the subjects of an extensive body of literature, both in favor of Objectivist ideals, and critical. There follows a general bibliography of major works dealing with Rand s ideology of Objectivism. Works by Ayn …   Wikipedia

  • GENERAL ZIONISTS — GENERAL ZIONISTS, Zionist and Israeli party. The General Zionists were originally a loose political group within the Zionist movement, made up of those Zionists who were neither socialists nor religious and who at first did not draw up a program… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • General Baptist — is a generic term for Baptists that hold the view of a general atonement, as well as a specific name of groups of Baptists within the broader category.General Baptists are distinguished from Particular or Reformed Baptists.HistoryBaptists were… …   Wikipedia

  • General Confederation of the Kingdom of Poland — General Confederation of Kingdom of Poland (Polish Konfederacja Generalna Królestwa Polskiego ) – confederation established by emperor Napoleon Bonaparte on the eve of his campaign in Russia.Formally founded by Sejm of Duchy of Warsaw June 28… …   Wikipedia

  • Bibliography —  General  ■ Böttcher, H.M. Gott hat viele Namen. Munich, 1962.  ■ Campbell, J. The Masks of God (4 vols: Primitive Mythology, Oriental Mythology, Occidental Mythology & Creative Mythology). New York & London, 1959–68.  ■ Dumézil, G. Les dieux des …   Who’s Who in non-classical mythology

  • General set theory — (GST) is George Boolos s (1998) name for a three axiom fragment of the canonical axiomatic set theory Z. GST is sufficient for all mathematics not requiring infinite sets, and is the weakest known set theory whose theorems include the Peano… …   Wikipedia

  • Bibliography —    Internet Sites    Dictionaries and Bibliographies of Sacred Music    Biographies of musicians    Bibliography: Byzantine and Orthodox    Discographies    Important collections of music    INTRODUCTION    Because the entri …   Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • Bibliography —    This bibliography is divided into the following categories, with subheadings    relevant to the thematic concentration of the material.    I. Bibliographies, Bibliographical Studies, and Reference Works    II. Scholarly Periodicals    III.… …   Historical dictionary of Austria

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