Absolute size

Absolute size
Размер книги (по высоте).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Absolute size" в других словарях:

  • Absolute size exclusion chromatography — (ASEC) is a technique which couples a dynamic light scattering (DLS) instrument to a size exclusion chromatography system for absolute size measurements of proteins and macromolecules as they elute from the chromatography system.A measurement is… …   Wikipedia

  • Size-exclusion chromatography — Equipment for running size exclusion chromatography. The buffer is pumped through the column (right) by a computer controlled device Acronym SEC Classification Chromatography Analytes …   Wikipedia

  • Absolute molar mass — is a process to determine the characteristics of molecules. TOC History The first absolute measurements (i.e. made without reference to standards) were based on fundamental physical characteristics and their relation to the molar mass. The most… …   Wikipedia

  • Absolute deviation — In statistics, the absolute deviation of an element of a data set is the absolute difference between that element and a given point. Typically the point from which the deviation is measured is a measure of central tendency, most often the median… …   Wikipedia

  • Absolute threshold of hearing — The absolute threshold of hearing (ATH) is the minimum sound level of a pure tone that an average ear with normal hearing can hear with no other sound present. The absolute threshold relates to the sound that can just be heard by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Size exclusion chromatography — Infobox chemical analysis name = Size exclusion chromatography caption =Equipment for running size exclusion chromatography. The buffer is pumped through the column (right) by a computer controlled device acronym = SEC classification… …   Wikipedia

  • Absolute zero — For other uses, see Absolute Zero (disambiguation). Absolute zero is the theoretical temperature at which entropy reaches its minimum value. The laws of thermodynamics state that absolute zero cannot be reached using only thermodynamic means. A… …   Wikipedia

  • Absolute value (algebra) — In mathematics, an absolute value is a function which measures the size of elements in a field or integral domain. More precisely, if D is an integral domain, then an absolute value is any mapping | thinsp; sdot; thinsp;| from D to the real… …   Wikipedia

  • absolute — absoluteness, n. /ab seuh looht , ab seuh looht /, adj. 1. free from imperfection; complete; perfect: absolute liberty. 2. not mixed or adulterated; pure: absolute alcohol. 3. complete; outright: an absolute lie; an absolute denial. 4. free from… …   Universalium

  • absolute zero — the temperature of 273.16°C ( 459.69°F), the hypothetical point at which all molecular activity ceases. * * * Temperature at which a thermodynamic system (see thermodynamics) has the lowest energy, 0 kelvin (K). It corresponds to 459.67°F (… …   Universalium

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