Focus of lens

Focus of lens
Фокус линзы.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Focus of lens" в других словарях:

  • Focus free lens — A focus free lens is a photographic lens whose focal point is fixed at its hyperfocal distance. Rather than having a method of determining the correct focusing distance and setting the lens to that focal point, a focus free lens relies on depth… …   Wikipedia

  • focus — focusable, adj. focuser, n. /foh keuhs/, n., pl. focuses, foci / suy, kuy/, v., focused, focusing or (esp. Brit.) focussed, focussing. n. 1. a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity: The need to prevent a nuclear war became the… …   Universalium

  • focus — fo•cus [[t]ˈfoʊ kəs[/t]] n. pl. cus•es, ci ( sī, kī) 1) a central point, as of attention or activity 2) phs a point at which rays of light, heat, or other radiation meet after being refracted or reflected 3) opt a) the focal point of a lens b)… …   From formal English to slang

  • focus — [fō′kəs] n. pl. focuses or foci [fō′sī΄] [ModL, adopted in math. senses by KEPLER Johannes (1604) < L, fireplace, hearth < ? IE base * bhok , to flame, burn > ? Arm boc̣, flame] 1. the point where rays of light, heat, etc. or waves of… …   English World dictionary

  • Lens — can refer to: NOTOC In optics*Lens (optics), an optical element which converges or diverges light **Lens (anatomy), a part of the eye **Corrective lens for correction of human vision ***Contact lens, placed on the cornea of the eye **Photographic …   Wikipedia

  • Focus recovery based on the linear canonical transform — Focus recovery from defocused image is an ill posed problem since it loses the component of high freqency. Most of the methods for focus revocery are based on depth estimation theory [Most of depth recovery methods are simply based on camera… …   Wikipedia

  • Lens flare — is the light scattered in lens systems through generally unwanted image formation mechanisms, such as internal reflection and scattering from material inhomogeneities in the lens. These mechanisms differ from the intended image formation… …   Wikipedia

  • Lens — (l[e^]nz), n.; pl. {Lenses} ( [e^]z). [L. lens a lentil. So named from the resemblance in shape of a double convex lens to the seed of a lentil. Cf. {Lentil}.] (Opt.) A piece of glass, or other transparent substance, ground with two opposite… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Focus — may refer to:In science, mathematics or computing: *Focus (optics), a point toward which light rays are made to converge **Autofocus, a feature of some optical systems that obtains and maintains correct focus on a target **Focal length, a measure …   Wikipedia

  • Focus — Fo cus (f[=o] k[u^]s), n.; pl. E. {Focuses} (f[=o] k[u^]s*[e^]z), L. {Foci} (f[=o] s[imac]). [L. focus hearth, fireplace; perh. akin to E. bake. Cf. {Curfew}, {Fuel}, {Fusil} the firearm.] 1. (Opt.) A point in which the rays of light meet, after… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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