Flexible agent

Flexible agent

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Flexible agent" в других словарях:

  • Agent-based model — An agent based model (ABM) (also sometimes related to the term multi agent system or multi agent simulation) is a class of computational models for simulating the actions and interactions of autonomous agents (both individual or collective… …   Wikipedia

  • Flexible mold — A mold is a hollow shape which exactly encloses the shape of a desired object. The object is usually created by pouring a liquid into the mold and allowing it to solidify: typical liquids include molten metal or plastic, plaster of Paris, epoxy… …   Wikipedia

  • Flexible intermediate bulk container — A Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container, FIBC , big bag, bulk bag, or super sack is a standardized container in large dimensions for storing and transporting and storing for example sand, fertilizers , granules of plastics or other dry products.… …   Wikipedia

  • flexible glue — noun : a mixture of glue, water, and a softening agent (as glycerol or sorbitol) used especially in printers rollers, bookbinding, and gasket binders …   Useful english dictionary

  • Paranoia Agent — 妄想代理人 (Mōsō Dairinin) Genre Mystery, Psychological horror …   Wikipedia

  • Software agent — In computer science, a software agent is a piece of software that acts for a user or other program in a relationship of agency, which derives from the Latin agere (to do): an agreement to act on one s behalf. Such action on behalf of implies the… …   Wikipedia

  • Microsoft Agent — Microsoft provides examples on its website for the use of Agent. Microsoft Agent is a technology developed by Microsoft which employs animated characters, text to speech engines, and speech recognition software to enhance interaction with… …   Wikipedia

  • Mobile agent — In computer science, a mobile agent is a composition of computer software and data which is able to migrate (move) from one computer to another autonomously and continue its execution on the destination computer. Contents 1 Definition and… …   Wikipedia

  • Change flexible — Changes flottants Un régime de changes flottants, ou régime de changes flexibles, est une modalité du système monétaire international où l on ne définit pas d étalon monétaire international auquel chaque devise pourrait faire référence et où le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gilet pare-balles — Un policier londonien portant un gilet pare balles …   Wikipédia en Français

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