Flash(ing) light

Flash(ing) light
Мигающий свет; импульсное освещение;

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Flash(ing) light" в других словарях:

  • flash — [[t]flæ̱ʃ[/t]] ♦♦♦ flashes, flashing, flashed 1) N COUNT: usu with supp A flash is a sudden burst of light or of something shiny or bright. A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second... The wire snapped at the wall plug with a… …   English dictionary

  • flash — [[t]flæʃ[/t]] n. 1) a brief, sudden burst of bright light 2) a sudden, brief outburst or display, as of joy or wit 3) an instant 4) inf flashlight 1) 5) cvb gaudy or vulgar showiness 6) jou a brief dispatch giving preliminary news of an important …   From formal English to slang

  • light — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I adj. airy (see levity); frivolous, jesting, jocular, lightsome; giddy, dizzy, flighty; wanton; nimble, agile; flippant, pert, insouciant; humorous; trivial. See cheerfulness, unimportance, impurity,… …   English dictionary for students

  • Flash Gordon — Superherobox| caption=The first Flash Gordon comic strip comic color=background:#c0c0c0 character name=Flash Gordon real name= publisher=King Features Syndicate debut=January 7, 1934 creators=Alex Raymond alliance color=background:#ffc0c0… …   Wikipedia

  • light — I n 1. illumination, luminescence, luminosity, radiation, shining, beaming, gleaming; luminousness, brilliance, radiance, lambency, luster, shine, effulgence; irradiation, glow, glowing, fluorescence, in candescence, phosphorescence; brightness,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Traffic light — The traffic light, also known as traffic signal, stop light, traffic lamp, stop and go lights, robot or semaphore, is a signaling device positioned at a road intersection, pedestrian crossing, or other location. Its purpose is to indicate, using… …   Wikipedia

  • gleam´ing|ly — gleam «gleem», noun, verb. –n. 1. a flash or beam of light: »We saw the gleam of headlights through the fog. 2. a short or faint light: »the gleam of shining metal. 3. Figurative. a short appearance; faint show: »After one gleam of hope, all was… …   Useful english dictionary

  • glit´ter|ing|ly — glit|ter «GLIHT uhr», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to shine with bright, sparkling light; gleam; sparkle: »The jewels and new coins glittered. 2. to be bright and showy. –n. 1. a bright, sparkling light: »There was a cold glitter in the cruel man s eyes …   Useful english dictionary

  • flashing — /flash ing/, n. 1. Building Trades. pieces of sheet metal or the like used to cover and protect certain joints and angles, as where a roof comes in contact with a wall or chimney, esp. against leakage. 2. the act of creating an artificial flood… …   Universalium

  • List of astronomy acronyms — This is a compilation of acronyms commonly used in astronomy. Most of the acronyms are drawn from professional astronomy and are used quite frequently in scientific publications. However, a few of these acronyms are frequently used by the general …   Wikipedia

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