Fine leather binding

Fine leather binding
Переплётная крышка из выделанной кожи.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Fine leather binding" в других словарях:

  • Ski binding — Alpine touring ski boot, binding, and ski crampon A ski binding is an attachment which anchors a ski boot to the ski. There are different types of bindings for different types of skiing. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Grain leather — Grain Grain (gr[=a]n), n. [F. grain, L. granum, grain, seed, small kernel, small particle. See {Corn}, and cf. {Garner}, n., {Garnet}, {Gram} the chick pea, {Granule}, {Kernel.}] [1913 Webster] 1. A single small hard seed; a kernel, especially of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Half binding — Half Half (h[aum]f), a. [AS. healf, half, half; as a noun, half, side, part; akin to OS., OFries., & D. half, G. halb, Sw. half, Dan. halv, Icel. h[=a]lfr, Goth. halbs. Cf. {Halve}, {Behalf}.] 1. Consisting of a moiety, or half; as, a half… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lindisfarne Gospels — The Lindisfarne Gospels is an illuminated Latin manuscript of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The manuscript was produced on Lindisfarne in Northumbria in the late 7th century or early 8th century, and is generally regarded as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Preservation (library and archival science) — Preservation is a branch of library and information science concerned with maintaining or restoring access to artifacts, documents and records through the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of decay and damage. [cite web… …   Wikipedia

  • Ötzi the Iceman — Ötzi redirects here. For the Austrian singer and entertainer, see DJ Ötzi. Ötzi the Iceman Born fl. c.3300 BC near the present village of Feldthurns (Velturno), north of Bolzano …   Wikipedia

  • Qur'an oath controversy of the 110th United States Congress — Ellison s photo op reenactment of his swearing in ceremony with Thomas Jefferson s Quran In mid November 2006 it was reported that Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress (for Minnesota s 5th congressional district) …   Wikipedia

  • Felbrigge Psalter — The Felbrigge Psalter is an illuminated manuscript Psalter from mid 13th century England that has an embroidered bookbinding which probably dates to the early 14th century. It is the oldest surviving book from England to have an embroidered… …   Wikipedia

  • Funerary art — Tomb of Philippe Pot, governor of Burgundy under Louis XI …   Wikipedia

  • mo|roc|co — «muh ROK oh», noun, plural cos. 1. a fine leather made from goatskin tanned with vegetable extracts, used in binding books. 2. leather made in imitation of this. ╂[< Morocco, a country in Africa, where it was first made] …   Useful english dictionary

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