Final proof

Final proof
Последняя корректура перед печатанием, сводка.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Final proof" в других словарях:

  • final proof — The showing made by a homesteader which will entitle him to a patent. 42 Am J1st Pub L §§ 23, 73 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • proof — n [alteration of Middle English preove, from Old French preuve, from Late Latin proba, from Latin probare to prove] 1: the effect of evidence sufficient to persuade a reasonable person that a particular fact exists see also evidence 2: the… …   Law dictionary

  • proof — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ clear, convincing, direct, good, positive, real ▪ |Do you have positive proof that she took the money? ▪ We have proof positive that he is in hid …   Collocations dictionary

  • Proof — • The establishment of a disputed or controverted matter by lawful means or arguments. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Proof     Proof      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Proof of concept — is a short and/or incomplete realization (or ) of a certain method or idea(s) to demonstrate its feasibility, or a demonstration in principle, whose purpose is to verify that some concept or theory is probably capable of exploitation in a useful… …   Wikipedia

  • proof — ► NOUN 1) evidence establishing a fact or the truth of a statement. 2) the proving of the truth of a statement. 3) a series of stages in the resolution of a mathematical or philosophical problem. 3) archaic a test or trial. 4) Printing a trial… …   English terms dictionary

  • Final Fantasy Tactics — North American official boxart Developer(s) Square Publisher(s) …   Wikipedia

  • Final Fantasy VI — Оригинальная японская обложка Разработчик Square Издатели Super Nintendo: Square PlayStation …   Википедия

  • proof — UK US /pruːf/ noun [C usually plural] (also proof copy) ► a printed copy of something that is examined and corrected before the final copies are printed: »We still had time to correct the proofs of the brochure …   Financial and business terms

  • proof positive — ► NOUN ▪ final or absolute proof of something …   English terms dictionary

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