Exposure scale

Exposure scale
Шкала экспозиций.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Exposure scale" в других словарях:

  • Exposure compensation — is a technique for adjusting the exposure indicated by a photographic exposure meter, in consideration of factors that may cause the indicated exposure to result in aless than optimal image. Factors considered may include unusual lighting… …   Wikipedia

  • Exposure value — In photography, exposure value (EV) denotes all combinations of camera shutter speed and relative aperture that give the same exposure. The concept was developed in Germany in the 1950s (Ray 2000),in an attempt to simplify choosing among… …   Wikipedia

  • Scale — Scale, v. i. 1. To separate and come off in thin layers or lamin[ae]; as, some sandstone scales by exposure. [1913 Webster] Those that cast their shell are the lobster and crab; the old skins are found, but the old shells never; so it is likely… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Exposure (photography) — Underexposure redirects here. For the 2005 film by Oday Rasheed, see Underexposure (2005 film). A long exposure showing stars rotating around the southern and northern celestial poles. Credit: European Southern Observatory …   Wikipedia

  • exposure meter — Photog. an instrument for measuring the intensity of light in a certain place or upon a certain object, having an adjustable scale for determining the optimum relations of shutter speeds and stops at each intensity. Also called light meter. [1890 …   Universalium

  • Scale Out — The process of selling portions of total held shares while the price increases. To scale out (or scaling out) means to get out of a position (e.g., to sell) in increments as the price climbs. This strategy allows the investor to take profits… …   Investment dictionary

  • scale — the oxidized surface of steel produced during hot working, as in rolling, and by exposure to air or steam at elevated temperature …   Mechanics glossary

  • International Nuclear Event Scale — The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) was introduced in 1990[1] by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in order to enable prompt communication of safety significance information in case of nuclear accidents. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Prenatal cocaine exposure — (PCE) occurs when a pregnant woman uses cocaine and thereby exposes her fetus to the drug. Crack baby was a term coined to describe children who were exposed to crack (cocaine in smokable form) as fetuses; the concept of the crack baby emerged in …   Wikipedia

  • Ballantine Scale — The Ballantine Scale is a biologically defined scale for comparing the degree of exposure of rocky shores; the species present indicate the degree of the shore s exposure. The scale runs from 1) an extremely exposed shore, to 8) an extremely… …   Wikipedia

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