Efflux cup

Efflux cup

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Efflux cup" в других словарях:

  • Zahn cup — measurement device widely used in the paint industry. It is commonly a stainless steel cup with a tiny hole drilled in the center of the bottom of the cup. There is also a long handle attached to the sides. There are five cup specifications,… …   Wikipedia

  • Viscometer — A viscometer (also called viscosimeter) is an instrument used to measure the viscosity of a fluid. For liquids with viscosities which vary with flow conditions, an instrument called a rheometer is used. Viscometers only measure under one flow… …   Wikipedia

  • nervous system — Anat., Zool. 1. the system of nerves and nerve centers in an animal or human, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia. 2. a particular part of this system. Cf. autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, peripheral nervous… …   Universalium

  • Viscosity — For other uses, see Viscosity (disambiguation). Viscosity The substance above has lower viscosity than the substance below SI symbol: μ, η SI unit: Pa·s  …   Wikipedia

  • Karachi — This article is about the city of Karachi. For other uses, see Karachi (disambiguation). Karachi کراچی (Urdu) ڪراچي (Sindhi) …   Wikipedia

  • Magnesium in biology — Magnesium is an essential element in biological systems. Magnesium occurs typically as the Mg2+ ion. It is an essential mineral nutrient for life[1][2][3] and is present in every cell type in every organism. For example, ATP (adenosine… …   Wikipedia

  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus — MRSA redirects here; you may be looking for Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus SEM micrograph of MRSA Scientific classification …   Wikipedia

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