Early binder

Early binder
Временный переплёт для журнала.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "Early binder" в других словарях:

  • Binder's syndrome — Classification and external resources OMIM 155050 DiseasesDB 34140 Binder s Syndrome/Binder Syndrome (Maxillo Nasal Dysplasia) is a developmental d …   Wikipedia

  • binder — O.E. bindere one who binds (see BIND (Cf. bind)). Of various objects or products that bind, from early 16c …   Etymology dictionary

  • Binder — The reaper binder, or binder, was a farm implement that improved upon the reaper. The binder was invented in 1872 by Charles Withington. In addition to cutting the small grain crop, it would also tie the stems into small bundles, or sheaves.… …   Wikipedia

  • binder — /buyn deuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that binds. 2. a detachable cover, resembling the cover of a notebook or book, with clasps or rings for holding loose papers together: a three ring binder. 3. a person who binds books; a bookbinder. 4.… …   Universalium

  • Binder — Recorded as Binde, Binder abd Binding, this is an English surname. It is or rather was either a nickname or job descriptive. It derives from the pre 7th century Olde English word bindan , meaning to bind, and probably refers to a person who was a …   Surnames reference

  • Otto Binder — Born Otto Oscar Binder August 26, 1911(1911 08 26) Bessemer, Michigan Died October 13, 1974(1974 10 13) (aged 63) Chestertown, New York …   Wikipedia

  • Ring binder — A D ring three ring binder Ring binders (pronounced BINE der) (sometimes called files in Britain) are folders in which punched pieces of paper may be held by means of clamps running through the holes in the paper. These retainers are usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Doug Binder — Doug Binder, lauded as Britain s master of colour and a contemporary of his fellow Bradfordian David Hockney, is an English artist whose work, although varying greatly over the course of his career, now inclines exclusively towards a study of the …   Wikipedia

  • Pearl Binder — Lady Elwyn Jones née Pearl Binder (born 1904, died 1990). Author, playwright, stained glass artist, lithographer, sculptor and a champion of the Pearly Kings and Queens, she was a legendary character who had a lifelong fascination with the East… …   Wikipedia

  • Elvis Presley — Elvis Presley, 1970 Elvis Presleys Signatur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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