
Диграф, лигатура.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Digraph" в других словарях:

  • Digraph — steht für: Digraph (Linguistik), eine Kombination von zwei Buchstaben, die für ein Phonem, eine Silbe oder ein Morphem stehen Digraph (Informatik), eine Kombination aus zwei Zeichen für ein im verwendeten Zeichensatz nicht verfügbares… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Digraph — may refer to: Digraph (orthography), a pair of characters used together to represent a single sound, such as sh in English Typographical ligature, the joining of two letters as a single glyph, such as æ Digraph (computing), a two character… …   Wikipedia

  • Digraph — Di graph, n. [Gr. di = di s twice + ? a writing, ? to write.] Two signs or characters combined to express a single articulated sound; as ea in head, or th in bath. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • digraph — 1788, in linguistics, from Gk. di twice (see DI (Cf. di ) (1)) + graphe writing (see GRAPHY (Cf. graphy)). In mathematics, from 1955, a contraction of directed graph …   Etymology dictionary

  • digraph — is a combination of two letters which together represent a single speech sound, e.g. dg in judge and ea in head. Certain digraphs are printed as ligatures, in which the two letters are joined, e.g. æ …   Modern English usage

  • digraph — ► NOUN ▪ a combination of two letters representing one sound, as in ph …   English terms dictionary

  • digraph — [dī′graf΄] n. [ DI 1 + GRAPH] a combination of two letters functioning as a unit to represent one sound (Ex.: r ea d, br ea d, ch in, gra ph ic) digraphic adj. digraphically adv …   English World dictionary

  • digraph — (диграф, диграмма | digramma | Digraph | digraph | digramma) Совокупность двух знаков, употребляемых для письменной передачи одного звука; таковы франц. ch в chercher, au в aube. прим. Ср. в русском сч в счастье или жж в жжет и зж в брюзжать. –… …   Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов

  • LJ (digraph) — See LJ for other meanings. Lj (lj in lower case) is a letter present in some Slavic languages, such as the Latin version of Serbo Croatian and in romanised Macedonian, where it is pronounced (IPA) IPA|/ʎ/. For example, the word ljiljan is… …   Wikipedia

  • Digraph — См. digraph …   Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов

  • Digraph — Di|graph 〈m. od. n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: e od. en; Sprachw.〉 Verbindung von zwei Buchstaben zur Wiedergabe eines Lautes, z. B. [ch] im Deutschen; oV ; Syn. Diagramma   Digraf / Digraph: (Laut Buchstaben Zuordnung) Für die Silben » fon, fot, graf« kann… …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

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