Dictionary approach

Dictionary approach
Способ переноса слов по словарю (в автоматическом наборе).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Dictionary approach" в других словарях:

  • approach — I verb accedere, accost, advance, adventare, appropinquare, be in proximity, be in sight of, be in the neighborhood of, be in the vicinity of, be near, come forward, come near, confront, converge upon, draw near, edge close to, get near, go near …   Law dictionary

  • approach the witness — A request by an attorney to the judge for permission to go up to a witness on the witness stand to show the witness a document or exhibit. May I approach the witness? is the typical request, and it is almost always granted. Category: Criminal Law …   Law dictionary

  • approach the bench — v.    an attorney s movement from the counsel table to the front of the bench (the large desk at which the judge sits) in order to speak to the judge off the record and/or out of earshot of the jury. Since the bench area is the sacred territory… …   Law dictionary

  • Dictionary of Canadian Biography — The Dictionary of Canadian Biography (DCB) is a dictionary of biographical entries for individuals who have contributed to the history of Canada. The DCB, which was initiated in 1959, is a collaboration between the University of Toronto and… …   Wikipedia

  • Dictionary coder — A dictionary coder, also sometimes known as a substitution coder, is a class of lossless data compression algorithms which operate by searching for matches between the text to be compressed and a set of strings contained in a data structure… …   Wikipedia

  • Dictionary attack — In cryptanalysis and computer security, a dictionary attack is a technique for defeating a cipher or authentication mechanism by trying to determine its decryption key or passphrase by searching likely possibilities. Contents 1 Technique 2 Pre… …   Wikipedia

  • Dictionary of Western Australians — Cover of Volume 1 of the Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians The Dictionary of Western Australians and the related Bicentennial Dictionary of Western Australians are two multi volume biographical dictionaries containing details of… …   Wikipedia

  • Dictionary of Occupational Titles — The Dictionary of Occupational Titles, commonly known as the DOT (Pronounced Dee Oh Tee) was the creation of the U.S. Employment Service, which used its thousands of occupational definitions to match job seekers to jobs from 1939 to the late… …   Wikipedia

  • Dictionary-based machine translation — Machine translation can use a method based on dictionary entries, which means that the words will be translated as a dictionary does – word by word, usually without much correlation of meaning between them. Dictionary lookups may be done with or… …   Wikipedia

  • Approach the witness — In a common law jurisdiction, to approach the witness means for an attorney to ask questions to a witness about documentary evidence. [See a similar definition at [http://dictionary.law.com/default2.asp?typed=approach+the+witness type=3 submit1.x …   Wikipedia

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