Density threshold

Density threshold
Порог почернения (на характеристической кривой фотоматериала).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Density threshold" в других словарях:

  • Density slicing — is a digital data interpretation method used in analysis of remotely sensed imagery to enhance the information gathered from an individual brightness band. Density slicing is done by dividing the range of brightnesses in a single band into… …   Wikipedia

  • Threshold displacement energy — The threshold displacement energy Td is the minimum kinetic energy that an atom in a solid needs to be permanently displaced from its lattice site to a defect position. It is also known as displacement threshold energy or just displacement energy …   Wikipedia

  • Threshold voltage — The threshold voltage of a MOSFET is usually defined as the gate voltage where an inversion layer forms at the interface between the insulating layer (oxide) and the substrate (body) of the transistor. The creation of this layer is described next …   Wikipedia

  • Density of states — Condensed matter physics Phases · Phase tr …   Wikipedia

  • Threshold Test Ban Treaty — The Treaty on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests, also known as the Threshold Test Ban Treaty (or TTBT), was signed in July 1974 by the USA and the USSR. It establishes a nuclear threshold, by prohibiting nuclear tests of devices… …   Wikipedia

  • Density-dependent inhibition — In population ecology, density dependent inhibition describes a situation in which population growth is curtailed by crowding, predators and competition. In cell biology, it describes the reduction in cell division. When a cell population reaches …   Wikipedia

  • threshold population inversion density — slenkstinis apgrąžinės užpildos tankis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. threshold population inversion density vok. Inversionsschwellendichte, f rus. пороговая плотность инверсной заселённости, f pranc. seuil de densité de… …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • threshold current density — slenkstinis srovės tankis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. threshold current density vok. Schwellenstromdichte, f rus. пороговая плотность тока, f pranc. densité de seuil du courant, f …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • Low-density parity-check code — In information theory, a low density parity check code (LDPC code) is an error correcting code, a method of transmitting a message over a noisy transmission channel. [David J.C. MacKay (2003) Information theory, inference and learning algorithms …   Wikipedia

  • Extinction threshold — is a term used in conservation biology to explain the point at which a species, population or metapopulation, experiences an abrupt change in density or number because of an important parameter, such as habitat loss. It is at this critical value… …   Wikipedia

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