Daylight-loading film cassette

Daylight-loading film cassette
Кассета для фотоплёнки, заряжаемая при дневном свете.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Daylight-loading film cassette" в других словарях:

  • 135 film — The term 135 (ISO 1007) was introduced by Kodak in 1934 [cite web |url= |title=The History of Kodak Roll Films |accessdate=2007 11 10] as a designation for cartridge film 35 mm wide, specifically for… …   Wikipedia

  • Super 8 mm film — Super 8 mm film, also simply called Super 8, is a motion picture film format released in 1965 by Eastman Kodak as an improvement of the older 8 mm home movie format, and the Cine 8 format.The film is 8 mm wide, exactly the same as the older… …   Wikipedia

  • October 2010 — was the tenth month of that year. It began on a Friday and concluded after 31 days on a Sunday. Portal:Current events This is an archived version of Wikipedia s Current events Portal from October 2010 …   Wikipedia

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