Cutoff device

Cutoff device
Устройство рубки, устройство резки (ленты).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Cutoff device" в других словарях:

  • Cutoff — or cut off or cut off may refer to: Contents 1 Science and technology 2 Clothing and fashion 3 Roads and trails …   Wikipedia

  • Cutoff (disambiguation) — Cutoff may refer to: * Cutoff, a range of values to be considered in physics. * Cutoff (steam engine), the point in the piston stroke at which the inlet valve is closed. * Cutoff (metalworking), a piercing operation used to cut a workpiece from… …   Wikipedia

  • cutoff — [kut′ôf΄] n. 1. the act of cutting off; esp., the limit or ending set for a process, activity, etc. 2. a road or passage that cuts across, shortening the distance 3. ☆ a) a new and shorter channel cut by a river across a bend, or dug out to… …   English World dictionary

  • cutoff frequency — n. Electronics a frequency level above or below which a device fails to respond or operate efficiently * * * …   Universalium

  • cutoff frequency — n. Electronics a frequency level above or below which a device fails to respond or operate efficiently …   English World dictionary

  • Cutoff (steam engine) — In a steam engine, cutoff is the point in the piston stroke at which the inlet valve is closed. On a steam locomotive, the cutoff is controlled by the reverser. The point at which the inlet valve closes and stops the entry of steam into the… …   Wikipedia

  • cutoff — noun Date: 1741 1. the act or action of cutting off 2. a. the new and relatively short channel formed when a stream cuts through the neck of an oxbow b. shortcut 1 c. a channel made to straighten a stream 3. a device for cutting off …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cutoff/cutout valve — A valve that cuts out pump operations when either the pressure required has been reached or the operation of the service or device is over. It cuts in when the system pressure has fallen below a certain figure or the service or device is being… …   Aviation dictionary

  • cutoff — noun 1. a designated limit beyond which something cannot function or must be terminated • Hypernyms: ↑limit, ↑limitation 2. a route shorter than the usual one • Syn: ↑shortcut, ↑crosscut • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Thermal cutoff — A thermal cutoff is an electrical safety device that interrupts electric current when heated to a specific temperature. Thermal fuseA thermal fuse is a cutoff which uses a one time fusible link. Unlike the thermostat which automatically resets… …   Wikipedia

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