Circular quad

Circular quad
Квадрат с изогнутой стороной.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Circular quad" в других словарях:

  • Quad scull — Germany 1982: Martin Winter (front), Uwe Heppner (second), Uwe Mund (third), and Karl Heinz Bußert (last) A quad scull, or quadruple scull in full, is a rowing boat used in the sport of competitive rowing. It is designed for four persons who… …   Wikipedia

  • Quad antenna — patent US2537191 A quad antenna. The quad antenna is an …   Wikipedia

  • Circular law — In probability theory, more specifically the study of random matrices, the circular law describes the distribution of eigenvalues of an random matrix with independent and identically distributed entries in the limit . It asserts that for any… …   Wikipedia

  • Circular convolution — The circular convolution, also known as cyclic convolution, of two aperiodic functions occurs when one of them is convolved in the normal way with a periodic summation of the other function.  That situation arises in the context of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Cuatrimoto — Este artículo o sección sobre transporte necesita ser wikificado con un formato acorde a las convenciones de estilo. Por favor, edítalo para que las cumpla. Mientras tanto, no elimines este aviso puesto el 15 de junio de 2010. También puedes… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Maximum entropy probability distribution — In statistics and information theory, a maximum entropy probability distribution is a probability distribution whose entropy is at least as great as that of all other members of a specified class of distributions. According to the principle of… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital perturbation analysis (spacecraft) — Isaac Newton in his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica demonstrated that the gravitational force between two mass points is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the points and fully solved corresponding two body… …   Wikipedia

  • Complex normal distribution — In probability theory, the family of complex normal distributions consists of complex random variables whose real and imaginary parts are jointly normal.[1] The complex normal family has three parameters: location parameter μ, covariance matrix Γ …   Wikipedia

  • British hardened field defences of World War II — Hexagonal pillbox (type 22) British hardened field defences of World War II were small fortified structures constructed as a part of British anti invasion preparations. They were popularly known as pillboxes by reference to their shape.[1] Con …   Wikipedia

  • Harmonic oscillator — This article is about the harmonic oscillator in classical mechanics. For its uses in quantum mechanics, see quantum harmonic oscillator. Classical mechanics …   Wikipedia

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