Chromatic [color] aberration

Chromatic [color] aberration
Хроматическая аберрация.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Chromatic [color] aberration" в других словарях:

  • Chromatic aberration — On top is corner detail in a photograph taken with a higher quality lens; bottom is a similar photograph taken with a wide angle lens showing severe visible lateral chromatic aberration. The effect is pronounced on the right side of the building… …   Wikipedia

  • Chromatic aberration — Chromatic Chro*mat ic, a. [L. chromaticus, Gr. ?, suited for color, fr. ?, ?, color; akin to ? color, ? skin, color of the skin.] 1. Relating to color, or to colors. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mus.) Proceeding by the smaller intervals (half steps or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Chromatic (disambiguation) — Chromatic, a word ultimately derived from the Greek noun χρῶμα (khrṓma), which means complexion or color , and then from the Greek adjective χρωματικός (khrōmatikós; colored ), may refer to: In music: Chromatic scale, the western tempered twelve… …   Wikipedia

  • Chromatic — Chro*mat ic, a. [L. chromaticus, Gr. ?, suited for color, fr. ?, ?, color; akin to ? color, ? skin, color of the skin.] 1. Relating to color, or to colors. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mus.) Proceeding by the smaller intervals (half steps or semitones) of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Chromatic printing — Chromatic Chro*mat ic, a. [L. chromaticus, Gr. ?, suited for color, fr. ?, ?, color; akin to ? color, ? skin, color of the skin.] 1. Relating to color, or to colors. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mus.) Proceeding by the smaller intervals (half steps or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Chromatic scale — Chromatic Chro*mat ic, a. [L. chromaticus, Gr. ?, suited for color, fr. ?, ?, color; akin to ? color, ? skin, color of the skin.] 1. Relating to color, or to colors. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mus.) Proceeding by the smaller intervals (half steps or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chromatic aberration — Aberration Ab er*ra tion, n. [L. aberratio: cf. F. aberration. See {Aberrate}.] 1. The act of wandering; deviation, especially from truth or moral rectitude, from the natural state, or from a type. The aberration of youth. Hall. Aberrations from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chromatic aberration — n aberration caused by differences in the refraction of light at different frequencies * * * unequal deviation of light rays of different wavelengths passing through a refractive medium, resulting in fringes of color around the image produced;… …   Medical dictionary

  • Aberration — Ab er*ra tion, n. [L. aberratio: cf. F. aberration. See {Aberrate}.] 1. The act of wandering; deviation, especially from truth or moral rectitude, from the natural state, or from a type. The aberration of youth. Hall. Aberrations from theory.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Color photography — Color film redirects here. For the motion picture equivalent, see Color motion picture film. A circa 1850 Hillotype photograph of a colored engraving. Long believed to be a complete fraud, recent testing found that Levi Hill s process did… …   Wikipedia

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