Chilled-water system

Chilled-water system
Станция водоохлаждения (для рулонной офсетной печати).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Chilled-water system" в других словарях:

  • Chilled water — is a commodity often used to cool a building s air and equipment, especially in situations where many individual rooms must be controlled separately, such as a hotel. The chilled water can be supplied by a vendor, such as a public utility or… …   Wikipedia

  • Chilled beam — A chilled beam is a type of convection HVAC system designed to heat or cool large buildings.[1] Pipes of water are passed through a beam (a heat exchanger) suspended a short distance from the ceiling of a room.[2] As the beam chills the air… …   Wikipedia

  • Water cooler — A water cooler (commonly spelled watercooler as a compound word) is a device that cools and dispenses water. They are generally broken up in two categories: bottle less and bottled water coolers. Bottle less water coolers are hooked up to a water …   Wikipedia

  • Water detector — A Water detector is a small electronic device that is designed to detect the presence of water and alert humans in time to allow the prevention of water damage. A common design is a small device that lays flat on a floor and relies on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Deep lake water cooling — uses cold water pumped from the bottom of a lake as a heat sink for climate control systems. Because heat pump efficiency improves as the heat sink gets colder, deep lake water cooling can reduce the electrical demands of large cooling systems… …   Wikipedia

  • Water cooling — Cooling tower and water discharge of a nuclear power plant Water cooling is a method of heat removal from components and industrial equipment. As opposed to air cooling, water is used as the heat conductor. Water cooling is commonly used for… …   Wikipedia

  • System 7 (band) — Infobox musical artist Name = System 7 Background = group or band Img capt = Origin = United Kingdom Genre = Techno Ambient Associated acts = Gong Years active = 1991 present Label = A Wave URL = [http://www.a a… …   Wikipedia

  • Lansing Board of Water & Light — The Lansing Board of Water and Light is a municipal utility that provides electricity and water to the residents of the Cities of Lansing and East Lansing, Michigan and the surrounding townships of Delta, Delhi, Meridian and DeWitt. The Lansing… …   Wikipedia

  • Integrated Platform Management System — An integrated platform management system (IPMS) is a distributed architecture system used on board ships and submarines for the real time monitoring and control of the vessel s hull, mechanical, electrical and damage control machinery and systems …   Wikipedia

  • Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System — The construction of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System was a massive undertaking involving tens of thousands of people often in extreme temperatures and conditions. Specialized construction techniques were pioneered to build the pipeline, most of… …   Wikipedia

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