Character information

Character information
Текстовая [буквенно-цифровая] информация.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Character information" в других словарях:

  • Character sheet — This article is about the character sheet used in roleplaying. For the character sheet used in animation and comics, see Character sheet (animation). A custom character sheet for the Stormbringer role playing game (in German) A character sheet is …   Wikipedia

  • Character timelines in Lost — For more detailed character information, see Characters of Lost. Matthew Fox has been a part of the Lost regular cast since the first season. The List of Lost cast members is a list of actors and actresses that are or were part of the cast of the …   Wikipedia

  • Information overload — refers to excess amounts of information being provided, making the processing and absorbing tasks very difficult for the individual because we cannot see the validity behind the information (Yang, 2003 [Yang, C.C. (2003) Decision Support Systems …   Wikipedia

  • Character assassination — is an attempt to tarnish a person s reputation. It may involve exaggeration, misleading half truths, or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person. It is a form of defamation and can be a form of ad hominem argument …   Wikipedia

  • Information and media literacy — (IML) is as important as traditional reading and writing. Today’s students need to be information literate and media literate. Learning needs to be adapted to a “wired” society. The skills taught to students today will be irrelevant in a short… …   Wikipedia

  • Character — Character(s) may refer to: Contents 1 Art and entertainment 2 Mathematics, science and technology 3 Symbols 4 Other …   Wikipedia

  • Character amnesia — (simplified Chinese: 提笔忘字; traditional Chinese: 提筆忘字; pinyin: tíbĭwàngzì; literally pick up pen, forget the character ) is a phenomenon whereby experienced speakers of some East Asian languages forget how to write Chinese characters previously… …   Wikipedia

  • Character blogging — Character blogs are a type of blog written as though a fictional character, rather than an actual person, is making the blog post. There are many character blogs on the Internet, and it has recently become popular among TV show producers as a… …   Wikipedia

  • Character dance — is a specific subdivision of Classical Dance. It is the stylised representation of a traditional folk or national dance,mostly from a European country, and uses movements and music which have been adapted for the theatre. Character dance is… …   Wikipedia

  • Character dancers — play an important part in classical ballet. Before the nineteenth century, rôles such as peasants and sailors were considered character dancers and often were part of Commedia dell arte. Since the early part of the nineteenth century the word… …   Wikipedia

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