

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Cerecloth" в других словарях:

  • Cerecloth — Cere cloth , n. [L. cera wax + E. cloth.] A cloth smeared with melted wax, or with some gummy or glutinous matter. [1913 Webster] Linen, besmeared with gums, in manner of cerecloth. Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cerecloth — [sir′klôth΄] n. [formerly cered cloth: see CERE] cloth treated with wax or a similar substance, esp. one used formerly to wrap a dead person for burial …   English World dictionary

  • cerecloth — noun Cloth coated with wax used for covering the dead. Twere damnationTo think so base a thought; it were too grossTo rib her cerecloth in the obscure grave …   Wiktionary

  • cerecloth — noun Etymology: alteration of earlier cered cloth (waxed cloth) Date: 1553 cloth treated with melted wax or gummy matter and formerly used especially for wrapping a dead body …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cerecloth — /sear klawth , kloth /, n., pl. cerecloths / klawdhz , klodhz , klawths , kloths /. 1. cloth coated or impregnated with wax so as to be waterproof, formerly used for wrapping the dead, for bandages, etc. 2. a piece of such cloth. [1400 50; late… …   Universalium

  • cerecloth — Gauze or cheese cloth impregnated with wax containing an antiseptic; used in surgical dressings. [L. cera, wax] * * * cere·cloth si(ə)r .klȯth n cloth treated with melted wax or gummy matter and formerly used esp. for wrapping a dead body * * *… …   Medical dictionary

  • cerecloth — cere·cloth || sɪəklɒθ n. waxed waterproof cloth used for wrapping the dead before burial; cloth that is put on a dead body before burial …   English contemporary dictionary

  • cerecloth — [ sɪəklɒθ] noun historical waxed cloth used for wrapping a corpse. Origin ME: from earlier cered cloth, from cere to wax , from L. cerare, from cera wax …   English new terms dictionary

  • cerecloth — n. Cerement, graveclothes …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • cerecloth — cere·cloth …   English syllables

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