Burst binding

Burst binding
Клеевое [бесшвейное] скрепление с предварительной перфорацией корешкового сгиба тетради (без фрезерования корешковых фальцев).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Burst binding" в других словарях:

  • burst binding — noun An unsewn bookbinding in which the gathered sections are perforated at the fold and glue is made to penetrate through the perforations • • • Main Entry: ↑burst …   Useful english dictionary

  • burst — A sudden increase in activity. respiratory b. the marked increase in metabolic activity that occurs in phagocytes and certain other cells following binding of particles resulting in an increase in oxygen consumption, formation of su …   Medical dictionary

  • unsewed — unsewnˈ (also unsewedˈ) adjective Not sewn (unsewn binding a bookbinding in which the gathered sections are held in place by a process other than sewing, esp perfect binding or burst binding (qqv)) • • • Main Entry: ↑unsewn …   Useful english dictionary

  • Un manifeste hacker — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Manifeste du hacker. Un manifeste hacker[1] est le titre d un essai de philosophie politique sur le capitalisme vectoral, la propriété intellectuelle, le surplus, les classes émergentes, et l évolution de l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology       In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… …   Universalium

  • cluster of differentiation — Cell membrane molecules that are used to classify leukocytes into subsets. CD molecules are classified by monoclonal antibodies. There are four general types: type I transmembrane proteins have their COOH termini in the cytoplasm and their NH2… …   Medical dictionary

  • Dust cell — A dust cell (or alveolar macrophage) is a type of macrophage found in the pulmonary alveolus, near the pneumocytes, but separated from the wall.Activity of the dust cells is relatively high, because they are located at one of the major boundaries …   Wikipedia

  • Alveolar macrophage — Micrograph showing hemosiderin laden alveolar marcophages, as seen in a pulmonary haemorrhage. H E stain. An alveolar macrophage (or dust cell) is a type of macrophage found in the pulmonary alveolus, near the pneumocytes, but separated from the… …   Wikipedia

  • Neutron star — redirects here. For the story by Larry Niven, see Neutron Star (short story). Neutron stars crush half a million times more mass than Earth into a sphere no larger than Manhattan. A neutron star is a type of stellar remnant that can result from… …   Wikipedia

  • Enzyme kinetics — is the study of the chemical reactions that are catalysed by enzymes, with a focus on their reaction rates. The study of an enzyme s kinetics reveals the catalytic mechanism of this enzyme, its role in metabolism, how its activity is controlled,… …   Wikipedia

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