Bibliographic(al) entry

Bibliographic(al) entry
Библиографическое описание.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Bibliographic(al) entry" в других словарях:

  • Bibliographic Essay —    The following essay mentions some of the main resources for conducting research in the history of psychiatry.    There are several standard works that one must simply have at one’s side. Essential in the study of disease history is German E.… …   Historical dictionary of Psychiatry

  • analytical entry — noun : an entry in a library catalog that locates a specific part of a more general work or collection (as the treatment of one specific subject in a book) * * * Library Science. a bibliographic record of part of an item for which a comprehensive …   Useful english dictionary

  • analytical entry — Library Science. a bibliographic record of part of an item for which a comprehensive bibliographic record has been made, as a single play or essay in an anthology, a subject in a comprehensive work, or a part of a multivolume set of books. [1955… …   Universalium

  • analytical entry — noun an entry in a bibliographic catalogue that describes a part of a larger work that has its own entry …   Wiktionary

  • BibTeX — is a tool for formatting lists of references. The BibTeX tool is typically used together with the LaTeX document preparation system. Within the typesetting system, its name is styled as {mathrm{B{scriptstyle{IB ! T! {displaystyle E} ! X.BibTeX… …   Wikipedia

  • library — /luy brer ee, breuh ree, bree/, n., pl. libraries. 1. a place set apart to contain books, periodicals, and other material for reading, viewing, listening, study, or reference, as a room, set of rooms, or building where books may be read or… …   Universalium

  • Library catalog — A library catalog (or library catalogue) is a register of all bibliographic items found in a library or group of libraries, such as a network of libraries at several locations. A bibliographic item can be any information entity (e.g., books,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Michigan county name etymologies — This is a list of Michigan county name etymologies. The origin of some names is unclear and credible scholarly sources disagree on the meaning (or intended meaning).Particularly, Henry Schoolcraft s made up words have disputed sources. Likewise,… …   Wikipedia

  • Citation — This article is about the research concept acknowledging the use of another s ideas. For other uses, see Citation (disambiguation). Citation needed redirects here. For the Wikipedia tag, see Template:Citation needed. For Wikipedia s citation… …   Wikipedia

  • ISO 2709 — is an ISO standard for bibliographic descriptions, entitled Format for Bibliographic Information Interchange on Magnetic Tape. It is maintained by the Technical committee for Information and documentation (TC 46).HistoryA format for the exchange… …   Wikipedia

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