Bad matter

Bad matter
Неразборчивый [нечёткий] текстовой материал, трудоёмкий для набора оригинала.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Bad matter" в других словарях:

  • Matter of Life and Death (Space: 1999) — Matter of Life and Death Space: 1999 episode Episode no. Season 1 Episode 2 Directed by Charles Crichton Written by …   Wikipedia

  • Bad quarto — is a term and concept developed by twentieth century Shakespeare scholars to explain some problems in the early transmission of the texts of Shakespearean works. It has subsequently been used for other playtexts unrelated to Shakespeare.A basic… …   Wikipedia

  • Bad Cop, Bad Cop — is a 2002 Australian television series producedby the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Southern Star, directed by David CaesarCast* Michael Caton ndash; Det. Red Lilywhite * Dan Wyllie ndash; Det. Cons. Lou Knutt * Helen Thompson ndash;… …   Wikipedia

  • Bad Sex In Fiction Award — La Bad Sex in Fiction Award, dont on peut traduire le nom par Trophée du mauvais sexe en fiction, est un prix littéraire britannique donné tous les ans à l auteur de langue anglaise qui a produit la pire description d un acte sexuel dans un roman …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bad sex in fiction award — La Bad Sex in Fiction Award, dont on peut traduire le nom par Trophée du mauvais sexe en fiction, est un prix littéraire britannique donné tous les ans à l auteur de langue anglaise qui a produit la pire description d un acte sexuel dans un roman …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bad Sex in Fiction Award — Description Récompense l auteur qui a produit la pire description d un acte sexuel dans un roman Organisateur Literary Review : un journal littéraire londonien Pays   …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bad Max — is a fictional character in a comic strip in the UK comic The Dandy . He first appeared in 2003.Like Dennis the Menace, Bad Max is the typical boisterous young lad who goes around making and looking for trouble, but deep down is just on the… …   Wikipedia

  • matter — mat|ter1 [ mætər ] noun *** ▸ 1 something being dealt with ▸ 2 problem/bad situation ▸ 3 situation that someone is in ▸ 4 substance ▸ 5 when time is short ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count something that you are discussing, considering, or dealing with:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • matter*/*/*/ — [ˈmætə] noun I 1) [C] something that you are discussing, considering, or dealing with an extremely important matter[/ex] Teachers feel this is a matter for discussion with parents.[/ex] 2) the matter [singular] used for talking about problems or… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • matter — mat|ter1 W1S1 [ˈmætə US ər] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(SUBJECT/SITUATION)¦ 2 matters 3¦(MATERIAL)¦ 4 as a matter of fact 5 what s the matter?/something s the matter/nothing s the matter etc 6.) the truth/fact of the matter is (that) 7 for that matter 8 be… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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