Yield value

Yield value
Предельное [максимальное] напряжение сдвига (дисперсных систем).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Yield value" в других словарях:

  • yield value — [1] Minimum force which must be applied to an adhesive, coating or sealer to start the molecules of the adhesive flowing over one another, ending eventually in bond failure [2] the amount (gallonage) that a given adhesive, coating, or sealer… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • yield value — noun : the minimum shearing or normal stress required to produce continuous deformation in a solid …   Useful english dictionary

  • yield point — noun : a stress sufficiently beyond the elastic limit that the material begins to exhibit plastic properties and continues to deform without further increase of load used especially of tension; compare yield value * * * yield point noun In iron… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Yield management — Yield management, also known as revenue management, is the process of understanding, anticipating and influencing consumer behavior in order to maximize revenue or profits from a fixed, perishable resource (such as airline seats or hotel room… …   Wikipedia

  • yield — 1 / yēld/ vt: to produce as return from an expenditure or investment: furnish as profit or interest an account that yield s 6 percent vi 1: to give place or precedence (as to one having a superior right or claim) 2: to relinquish the floor of a… …   Law dictionary

  • Yield elasticity of bond value — is the percentage change in bond value divided by a one per percentage change in the yield to maturity of the bond. This is equivalent to saying the derivative of value with respect to yield times the (interest rate/value). This is equal to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Yield curve spread — on a simple mortgage backed security (MBS) is the flat spread over the treasury yield curve required in discounting a pre determined coupon schedule to arrive at its present market price.That is, the MBS yield curve spread is based on a… …   Wikipedia

  • Value investing — is an investment paradigm that derives from the ideas on investment and speculation that Ben Graham David Dodd began teaching at Columbia Business School in 1928 and subsequently developed in their 1934 text Security Analysis . Although value… …   Wikipedia

  • Value added — refers to the additional value of a commodity over the cost of commodities used to produce it from the previous stage of production. An example is the price of gasoline at the pump over the price of the oil in it. In national accounts used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Value of information — (VoI) in decision analysis is the amount a decision maker would be willing to pay for information prior to making a decision. imilar termsVoI is sometimes distinguished into value of perfect information, also called value of clairvoyance (VoC),… …   Wikipedia

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