Year of establishment

Year of establishment
Год основания (издания).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Year of establishment" в других словарях:

  • Establishment Clause of the First Amendment — The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment refers to the first of several pronouncements in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, stating that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion .... Together… …   Wikipedia

  • HMS Ganges (shore establishment) — HMS Ganges was a training ship and later stone frigate of the Royal Navy. She was established as a boys training establishment in 1865, and was based aboard a number of hulks before moving ashore. She was based alternately in Falmouth, Harwich… …   Wikipedia

  • Atomic Weapons Establishment — Location map|Berkshire label = lat = 51.362778 long = 1.139444 caption = Map showing the location of the Atomic Weapons Establishment at grid reference gbmapscaled|SU600630|25|SU600630 float = right background= white width = 175: For the World… …   Wikipedia

  • Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment — The Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment (MVEE) was a British defence research unit on Chobham Lane, Chertsey in Surrey. It was responsible for many innovations in armoured vehicle design, including ceramic Chobham armour. History The… …   Wikipedia

  • Communications Security Establishment Canada — Badge of the Communications Security Establishment Canada Agency overview Formed 1946 Preceding agency Examination Unit, a civilian organization established in …   Wikipedia

  • Military establishment of the Roman Republic — This article is part of the series on: Military of ancient Rome (portal) 753 BC – AD 476 Structural history Roman army (unit types and ranks …   Wikipedia

  • Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania — The Act of the Re Establishment of the State of Lithuania or Act of March 11 signed by the members of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania, proclaimed the re establishment of Lithuania s independence on March 11,… …   Wikipedia

  • French Revolution from the summer of 1790 to the establishment of the Legislative Assembly — The Civil Constitution of the Clergy divided the French people. Good Catholics were strongly opposed to it. Some nobles were so worried about the way things were going that they left France. They urged the royal family to join them.The French… …   Wikipedia

  • Permanent establishment — The concept of permanent establishment ( PE ) is one of the most important issues in international double tax treaty law. Virtually all modern tax treaties use PE as the main instrument to establish taxing jurisdiction over a foreigner s… …   Wikipedia

  • School Establishment Act 1616 — The School Establishment Act 1616 was an Act of the Scottish Privy Council dated 10 December 1616. It mandated the establishment of publicly funded, Church supervised schools in every parish of Scotland. The act was a consequence of the Scottish… …   Wikipedia

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