Word space

Word space
Пробел между словами.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Word space" в других словарях:

  • word space — Межсловный пробел (Word space, Interword space)     Расстояние между словами. Нормируется в России техническими правилами набора. По этим правилам, относящимся к металлическому набору [набор с помощью механического устройства], нормальный… …   Шрифтовая терминология

  • Space music — Space music, also spelled spacemusic, is an umbrella term used to describe music that evokes a feeling of contemplative spaciousness. In fact, almost any music with a slow pace and space creating sound images could be called spacemusic. Stephen… …   Wikipedia

  • Space (commercial competition) — Space is a contextual noun used to partially describe the abstract competitive set of the subject or subjects . The members of the space will almost always be Companies who supply services to customers. The important attributes of that particular …   Wikipedia

  • Space (punctuation) — In writing, a space ( ) is a blank area that is devoid of content, which separates words, letters, numbers, and punctuation. Conventions for interword and intersentence spaces vary among languages, and in some cases the spacing rules are quite… …   Wikipedia

  • Space Sentinels — infobox television show name = Space Sentinels caption = This is a promotional image for the TV series Space Sentinels Copyright 1977 Filmation Associates. format = Animated series runtime = 22 minutes presenter = Filmation creator = director =… …   Wikipedia

  • Word wrap — or line wrap is the feature, supported by most text editors, word processors, and web browsers, of automatically replacing some of the blank spaces between words by line breaks, such that each line fits in the viewable window, allowing text to be …   Wikipedia

  • Word Bearers — Données clés Numérotation XVII Fondation M29 (1ère) Couleurs de Chapitre Rouge sombre et argent Primarque Lorgar État du Primarque Prince Démon États des Gènes …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Space — • The idea of space is one of the most important in the philosophy of the material world; for centuries it has preoccupied and puzzled philosophers and psychologists Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Space     Space …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Space Moose — was a Canadian underground comic strip that appeared in the University of Alberta s student newspaper, The Gateway, between October 3, 1989 and 1999.[1] Almost all of the strips were penned by Adam Thrasher, a student at the university.[2] For… …   Wikipedia

  • Space tourism — is the recent phenomenon of tourists paying for flights into space pioneered by Russia.As of 2008, orbital space tourism opportunities are limited and expensive, with only the Russian Space Agency providing transport. The price for a flight… …   Wikipedia

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