With the grain

With the grain
Вдоль волокна (по волокну).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "With the grain" в других словарях:

  • with the grain — directional character of paper …   English contemporary dictionary

  • The Secret of the Grain — Theatrical release poster Directed by Abdellatif Kechiche Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • The Grain — The Grain, sometimes also translated as A Grain as Big as a Hen s Egg , is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy written in 1886. It takes the form of a parable about being content with one s lot in life.ynopsisOne day some children found a …   Wikipedia

  • The Man with the Golden Arm (novel) — The Man with the Golden Arm is a novel by Nelson Algren that recounts the life of Frankie Machine , a card dealer in an illicit poker game being run not far from the tenement in which he lives. Machine is a morphine junkie just back to Chicago s… …   Wikipedia

  • Against the grain — Grain Grain (gr[=a]n), n. [F. grain, L. granum, grain, seed, small kernel, small particle. See {Corn}, and cf. {Garner}, n., {Garnet}, {Gram} the chick pea, {Granule}, {Kernel.}] [1913 Webster] 1. A single small hard seed; a kernel, especially of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • against the grain — {adv. phr.} 1. Across rather than with the direction of the fibers (as of wood or meat). * /He sandpapered the wood against the grain./ 2. So as to annoy or trouble, or to cause anger or dislike. Usually follows go . * /His coarse and rude ways… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • against the grain — {adv. phr.} 1. Across rather than with the direction of the fibers (as of wood or meat). * /He sandpapered the wood against the grain./ 2. So as to annoy or trouble, or to cause anger or dislike. Usually follows go . * /His coarse and rude ways… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Against the Grain — may refer to:In broadcast media: * Against the Grain (TV series), 1993 NBC drama series with Ben Affleck * Against the Grain (radio program), an interview program on Pacifica Radio station KPFA, Berkeley, hosted by C.S. SoongIn music:* Against… …   Wikipedia

  • against\ the\ grain — adv. phr. 1. Across rather than with the direction of the fibers (as of wood or meat). He sandpapered the wood against the grain. 2. • go against the grain So as to annoy or trouble, or to cause anger or dislike. Usually follows go . His coarse… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • against the grain — adverb /əˈɡɛnst ðə ɡreɪn/ a) Contrary to what is expected; especially, of behavior different from what society expects. By going against the grain and going to work nude, youve made yourself a laughing stock. b) To sand or plane a piece of wood… …   Wiktionary

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