Water trough

Water trough
Корыто с увлажняющим раствором;
Корыто для воды;
Ванночка для воды.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Water trough" в других словарях:

  • trough —   Holowa a, holoa a, hā.     Water trough, kula wai, hā wai; pā wai (rare).     Food trough, kneading trough, papa wili ai …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • Water stop — A water stop or water station on a railroad is a place where trains stop to replenish water. The stopping of the train itself is also referred to as water stop . The term originates from the times of steam engines, when large amounts of water… …   Wikipedia

  • trough´like´ — trough «trf, trof», noun. 1. a long, narrow, open container for holding food or water, especially for farm stock or other animals: »He led the horses to the watering trough. SYNONYM(S): manger. 2. something shaped like this: »The baker used a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Trough — (tr[o^]f), n. [OE. trough, trogh, AS. trog, troh; akin to D., G., & Icel. trog, Sw. tr[*a]g, Dan. trug; probably originally meaning, made of wood, and akin to E. tree. [root]63 & 241. See {Tree}, and cf. {Trug}.] 1. A long, hollow vessel,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trough gutter — Trough Trough (tr[o^]f), n. [OE. trough, trogh, AS. trog, troh; akin to D., G., & Icel. trog, Sw. tr[*a]g, Dan. trug; probably originally meaning, made of wood, and akin to E. tree. [root]63 & 241. See {Tree}, and cf. {Trug}.] 1. A long, hollow… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Trough of the sea — Trough Trough (tr[o^]f), n. [OE. trough, trogh, AS. trog, troh; akin to D., G., & Icel. trog, Sw. tr[*a]g, Dan. trug; probably originally meaning, made of wood, and akin to E. tree. [root]63 & 241. See {Tree}, and cf. {Trug}.] 1. A long, hollow… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trough — [trɔf US tro:f] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(container)¦ 2¦(low point)¦ 3¦(waves)¦ 4¦(weather)¦ 5 have your nose/snout in the trough ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; Origin: trog] 1.) ¦(CONTAINER)¦ a long narrow open container that holds water or food for animals …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • trough — [ trɔf ] noun count 1. ) a long narrow open container used for holding food or water for animals: a cattle trough 2. ) a low area between two high waves or hills: The boat lay almost helpless in the trough of the waves. 3. ) a period when… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • trough — [trôf, träf] n. [ME < OE trog, akin to Ger < IE * druk < base * deru ,TREE: basic sense, “hollowed wooden object”] 1. a long, narrow, open container of wood, stone, etc. for holding water or food for animals 2. any similarly shaped… …   English World dictionary

  • Trough Creek State Park — Geobox Protected Area name = Trough Creek State Park native name = other name = other name1 = category local = Pennsylvania State Park category iucn = III image caption = etymology type = Named for etymology = Great Trough Creek country = United… …   Wikipedia

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