Wash bath

Wash bath
Промывочная ванна.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Wash bath" в других словарях:

  • bath - bathe — ◊ bath In British English, a bath is a long rectangular container which you fill with water and sit in while you wash your body. The bathroom had two basins, a huge bath and more towels than I had ever seen. In American English, a container like… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wash — [n1] laundry, bath ablution, bathe, cleaning, cleansing, dirty clothes, laundering, rinse, scrub, shampoo, shower, washing; concepts 451,514 wash [n2] wave; water movement ebb and flow, eddy, flow, gush, heave, lapping, murmur, roll, rush, spurt …   New thesaurus

  • Bath Locks — Bath Bottom Lock, which is numbered as No 7 on the canal is the meeting with the River Avon just south of Pulteney Bridge. [cite web | title=Bath Bottom Lock | work=Images of England | url=http://www.imagesofengland.org.uk/search/details.aspx?id=4… …   Wikipedia

  • Bath — may refer to: * Any vessel, dish, or depression made to hold a liquid for the purpose of immersion of an object, e.g. birdbath * A body of liquid in which something is washed, heated or steeped: ** For medical or cleaning purposes, etc. e.g. Bath …   Wikipedia

  • Bath — (b[.a]th; 61), n.; pl. {Baths} (b[.a][th]z). [AS. b[ae][eth]; akin to OS. & Icel. ba[eth], Sw., Dan., D., & G. bad, and perh. to G. b[ a]hen to foment.] 1. The act of exposing the body, or part of the body, for purposes of cleanliness, comfort,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bath house — Bath Bath (b[.a]th; 61), n.; pl. {Baths} (b[.a][th]z). [AS. b[ae][eth]; akin to OS. & Icel. ba[eth], Sw., Dan., D., & G. bad, and perh. to G. b[ a]hen to foment.] 1. The act of exposing the body, or part of the body, for purposes of cleanliness,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bath — bath, bathe (verbs). In BrE to bath is to have a bath (i.e. wash oneself immersed in a domestic bath), and to bathe is to go into the sea or a river to swim (although usage in this meaning is now dated) or (transitively) to wipe or soothe a wound …   Modern English usage

  • bath — ► NOUN 1) a large tub that is filled with water for immersing and washing one s body. 2) an act of washing in a bath. 3) (also baths) a building containing a public swimming pool or washing facilities. 4) a container holding a liquid in which an… …   English terms dictionary

  • bath — [n1] washing with water and, usually, soap ablution, cleansing, dip, douche, dousing, gargle, laving, scrubbing, shower, soak, soaking, soaping, sponging, tub, wash; concepts 161,165 bath [n2] room for bathing bathroom, lavatory, powder room,… …   New thesaurus

  • bath — bath1 W3S2 [ba:θ US bæθ] n plural baths [ba:ðz, ba:θs US bæðz, bæθs] [: Old English; Origin: bAth] 1.) if you take a bath, you wash your body in a bath ▪ After a week of camping, I really needed a bath. take/have a bath ▪ I ll have a bath and go… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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