Viewing area

Viewing area
Просмотровое окно.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Viewing area" в других словарях:

  • viewing cone — F/A/V the best viewing area for the audience. The term cone is used because there is width, height, and depth to the best viewing area, and this area emanates from the center of the screen …   Audio and video glossary

  • Viewing cone — Viewing direction= When a visual display with non vanishing size is seen by an observer, every point of the display area is seen from a different direction as illustrated in fig. 1. No two spots on the display are seen from the same direction.… …   Wikipedia

  • Dean Creek Wildlife Area — IUCN Category IV (Habitat/Species Management Area) …   Wikipedia

  • Public-Viewing — bezeichnet die Liveübertragung von Sportveranstaltungen oder andere Großereignissen auf Großbildwänden an öffentlichen Standorten wie Stadtplätzen, Straßenzügen, Einkaufszentren oder Gaststätten zum Zwecke des (in der Regel kostenlosen)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Public viewing — bezeichnet die Liveübertragung von Sportveranstaltungen oder andere Großereignissen auf Großbildwänden an öffentlichen Standorten wie Stadtplätzen, Straßenzügen, Einkaufszentren oder Gaststätten zum Zwecke des (in der Regel kostenlosen)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Marion Brooks Natural Area — IUCN Category V (Protected Landscape/Seascape) White birches in Marion E. Brooks Natural Area …   Wikipedia

  • Illinois-Indiana-Kentucky Tri-State Area — 75px|right 75px|right The Illinois Indiana Kentucky Tri State Area is a tri state area where the states of Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky intersect. The area is defined mainly by the television viewing area and consists of ten Illinois counties …   Wikipedia

  • market area — / mɑ:kɪt ˌeəriə/ noun a geographical area which represents a particular market, e.g. a TV viewing area or a representative’s territory …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Gateway National Recreation Area — Infobox Protected area name = Gateway National Recreation Area iucn category = V caption = locator x = 256 locator y = 62 location = New York New Jersey, USA nearest city = New York City, New York lat degrees = lat minutes = lat seconds = lat… …   Wikipedia

  • Tokyo-Yokohama Metropolitan Area — ▪ Japan Introduction Tokyo formerly (until 1868)  Edo   metropolitan complex commonly called Greater Tokyo along the northern and western shores of Tokyo Bay, on the Pacific coast of the island of Honshu, central Japan. At its centre is the… …   Universalium

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