Average production

Average production
Средний тираж.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Average production" в других словарях:

  • Average production per miner per day —   The product of the average production per miner per hour at a mining operation and the average length of a production shift at the operation.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

  • Average production per miner per hour —   The ratio of the total production at a mining operation to the total direct labor hours worked at the operation.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

  • Average Joe (TV series) — Average Joe Genre Reality Television Directed by Tony Croll Jason Raff (Season 1) Country of origin United States Language(s) English No. of seasons …   Wikipedia

  • average — n Average, mean, median, norm, par denote something and usually a number, a quantity, or a condition that represents a middle point between extremes. Of these words average, mean, median, and par are also used as adjectives. Average is an… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Average cost pricing — is one of the ways government regulate a monopoly market. Monopolists tend to produce less than the optimal quantity pushing the prices up. Government may use average cost pricing as a tool to regulate prices monopolists may charge.Average cost… …   Wikipedia

  • Production leveling — Production leveling, also known as production smoothing or – by its Japanese original term – heijunka (平準化?),[1] is a technique for reducing the muda waste and vital to the development of production efficiency in the Toyota Production System and… …   Wikipedia

  • average variable charges — average payments whose size is contingent on the extent of product production …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Production theory basics — In microeconomics, Production is simply the conversion of inputs into outputs. It is an economic process that uses resources to create a commodity that is suitable for exchange. This can include manufacturing, storing, shipping, and packaging.… …   Wikipedia

  • Production function — Graph of Total, Average, and Marginal Product In microeconomics and macroeconomics, a production function is a function that specifies the output of a firm, an industry, or an entire economy for all combinations of inputs. This function is an… …   Wikipedia

  • production, theory of — ▪ economics Introduction       in economics, an effort to explain the principles by which a business firm decides how much of each commodity that it sells (its “outputs” or “products”) it will produce, and how much of each kind of labour, raw… …   Universalium

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