Unwind brake

Unwind brake
Размоточный тормоз.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Unwind brake" в других словарях:

  • Air brake unwind stand — Рулонная установка [стойка], снабжённая пневматическим тормозом …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Clutch — For other uses, see Clutch (disambiguation). Rear side of a Ford V6 engine, looking at the clutch housing on the flywheel …   Wikipedia

  • Spinning wheel — For the computer animation commonly found on the Internet, see Spinning wheel (animation). For the Blood, Sweat Tears song, see Spinning Wheel (song). Irish spinning wheel around 1900 Library of Congress collection A spinning wheel is a device… …   Wikipedia

  • Rhode Island — This article is about the U.S. state of Rhode Island. For other uses, see Rhode Island (disambiguation). RI and R.I. redirect here. For other uses, see RI (disambiguation). State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations …   Wikipedia

  • Credit default swap — If the reference bond performs without default, the protection buyer pays quarterly payments to the seller until maturity …   Wikipedia

  • Primase — DNA primase is an enzyme involved in the replication of DNA. Primase catalyzes the synthesis of a short RNA (or DNA in some organisms [1]) segment called a primer complementary to a ssDNA template. Primase is of key importance in DNA replication… …   Wikipedia

  • Salisbury cathedral clock — The Salisbury Cathedral clock, a large iron framed clock without a dial located in the aisle of Salisbury Cathedral. The clock dating from about 1386 is the oldest working clock in the world. [cite web |last= | first=|title=Oldest Working Clock,… …   Wikipedia

  • History of timekeeping devices — For thousands of years, devices have been used to measure and keep track of time. The current sexagesimal system of time measurement dates to approximately 2000 BC, in Sumer. The Ancient Egyptians divided the day into two 12 hour periods, and… …   Wikipedia

  • metabolism — /meuh tab euh liz euhm/, n. 1. Biol., Physiol. the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained, and destroyed, and by which energy is made available. Cf. anabolism, catabolism …   Universalium

  • ease off — Synonyms and related words: abate, arrest, avert, backpedal, backwater, bate, bear off, brake, check, clip the wings, curb, decelerate, delay, detain, die down, diffuse, disjoin, disperse, draw aside, draw rein, ease, ease up, ebb, edge off, fall …   Moby Thesaurus

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