Typographic typewriter

Typographic typewriter
Наборно-пишущая машина.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Typographic typewriter" в других словарях:

  • Typewriter — Mechanical desktop typewriters, such as this Underwood Five, were long time standards of government agencies, newsrooms, and offices …   Wikipedia

  • Apostrophe — redirects here. For other uses, see (disambiguation). Apostrophes redirects here. For the music book, see Apostrophes: A Book of Tributes to Masters of Music. For other uses, see Apostrophe (disambiguation). ’ Apostrophe …   Wikipedia

  • Sentence spacing — Double sentence spaced typewriter text (1946) vs. single sentence spaced typeset text (1979) Sentence spacing is the horizontal space between sentences in typeset text. It is a matter of typographical convention …   Wikipedia

  • Double spaced sentences — Double spacing at the ends of sentences is a typographical convention that has sometimes been termed English spacing. Since the mid 1990s, it has often been termed French spacing, although that term has traditionally referred to the practice of… …   Wikipedia

  • Quotation mark — This article is about quotation marks in English. For their use in other languages, see Non English usage of quotation marks. For their use in computer programming, see String literal. For the various glyphs used to render quotation marks, see… …   Wikipedia

  • printing — /prin ting/, n. 1. the art, process, or business of producing books, newspapers, etc., by impression from movable types, plates, etc. 2. the act of a person or thing that prints. 3. words, symbols, etc., in printed form. 4. printed material. 5.… …   Universalium

  • Typography — Typographer redirects here. For the Typographer brand typewriter, see Typographer (typewriter). Not to be confused with topography or typology. In philately typography , especially in the case of 19th century stamps, refers to letterpress… …   Wikipedia

  • Common English usage misconceptions — Text from Robert Louis Stevenson s Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as it would appear in a professionally published edition in the United States today, featuring one sentence paragraphs, sentences beginning with the conjunctions but and and …   Wikipedia

  • Yiddish orthography — The Yiddish language is written using Hebrew script as the basis of a full vocalic alphabet. This adaptation uses letters that are silent or glottal stops in Hebrew, as vowels in Yiddish. Other letters that can serve as both vowels and consonants …   Wikipedia

  • Killian documents authenticity issues — During the Killian documents controversy in 2004, the authenticity of the documents themselves was disputed by a variety of individuals and groups. Proof of authenticity is not possible without original documents, and since CBS used only faxed… …   Wikipedia

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