To stop down

To stop down

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "To stop down" в других словарях:

  • stop down — verb To decrease the aperture of a photographic lens, moving from an f/stop represented by a lower number to an f/stop represented by a higher number. The f/stops are arranged so that as you stop down, each stop allows half the amount of light to …   Wiktionary

  • stop down — transitive verb : to reduce the effective aperture of (a lens) by means of a diaphragm intransitive verb : to make a lens opening smaller by means of a diaphragm * * * stop down (of a camera lens) to reduce the size of the aperture • • • Main… …   Useful english dictionary

  • stop down — transitive verb Date: circa 1891 to reduce the effective aperture of (a lens) by means of a diaphragm …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • stop — or [stäp] vt. stopped, stopping [ME stoppen < OE stoppian (in comp.) < WGmc stoppōn < VL * stuppare, to stop up, stuff < L stuppa < Gr styppē, tow < IE * stewe , to thicken, contract > Gr styphein, to contract, Sans stuka,… …   English World dictionary

  • stop — [c]/stɒp / (say stop) verb (stopped or, Poetic, stopt, stopping) –verb (t) 1. to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running. 2. to cause to cease; put an end to: to stop noise in the street. 3. to interrupt, arrest, or check (a course …  

  • stop — stopless, adj. stoplessness, n. /stop/, v., stopped or (Archaic) stopt; stopping; n. v.t. 1. to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running. 2. to cause to cease; put an end to: to stop noise in the street. 3. to interrupt, arrest, or… …   Universalium

  • stop — [[t]stɒp[/t]] v. stopped, stop•ping, n. 1) to cease from or discontinue: to stop running[/ex] 2) to cause to cease: to stop crime[/ex] 3) to interrupt or check 4) to cut off, intercept, or withhold: to stop supplies[/ex] 5) to restrain or prevent …   From formal English to slang

  • stop up — verb a) To fill a hole or cavity, or block an opening or passage, as with a plug. So then we . . . scratched around and found an old tin washpan, and stopped up the holes as well as we could …   Wiktionary

  • stop — v. & n. v. (stopped, stopping) 1 tr. a put an end to (motion etc.); completely check the progress or motion or operation of. b effectively hinder or prevent (stopped them playing so loudly). c discontinue (an action or sequence of actions)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stop the Clocks: The Definitive Collection — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Stop The Clocks: The Definitive Collection compilación de Oasis Grabación 1994 2005 Duración 87:13 …   Wikipedia Español

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