To scroll back

To scroll back
Непрерывно перемещать изображение (на экране) снизу вверх.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "To scroll back" в других словарях:

  • SCROLL OF ESTHER — (Heb. מְגִלַּת אֶסְתֵּר, Megillat Ester), the festal scroll of purim , the only one of the Five Scrolls to bear the title megillah as part of its traditional name (see scrolls , the Five). The Scroll of Esther tells the story of the salvation of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • SCROLL OF ANTIOCHUS — (Heb. מְגִלַּת אַנְטִיוֹכוֹס) or Scroll of the Hasmoneans (Heb. מְגִלַּת בֵּית חַשְׁמוֹנַאי), popular account of the wars of the Hasmoneans and of the origin of the festival of Ḥanukkah . The scroll has been handed down in several Aramaic… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Scroll compressor — A scroll compressor (also called spiral compressor , scroll pump and scroll vacuum pump) is a device for compressing air or refrigerant. It is used in air conditioning equipment, as an automobile supercharger (where it is known as a scroll type… …   Wikipedia

  • Scroll saw — A scroll saw is a small electric or pedal operated saw useful for cutting intricate curves where a jigsaw or coping saw is not appropriate; it is capable of creating curves with edges. It is somewhat similar to a band saw, but unlike band saws,… …   Wikipedia

  • Scroll wheel — The middle wheel is the scroll wheel. A scroll wheel (or mouse wheel) is a hard plastic or rubbery disc (the wheel ) on a computer mouse that is perpendicular to the mouse surface. It is normally located between the left and right mouse buttons.… …   Wikipedia

  • scroll — [15] Scroll has no family connection with roll, although roll is largely responsible for its present day form. Etymologically it is actually the same word as shred. Both go back to a prehistoric Germanic *skrautha ‘something cut’. This evolved in …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • scroll — [15] Scroll has no family connection with roll, although roll is largely responsible for its present day form. Etymologically it is actually the same word as shred. Both go back to a prehistoric Germanic *skrautha ‘something cut’. This evolved in …   Word origins

  • Ninja Scroll — This article is about the 1993 anime movie. For the TV Series, see Ninja Scroll: The Series. Ninja Scroll Ninja Scroll poster Directed by …   Wikipedia

  • Admonitions Scroll — Nüshi Zhentu 女史箴圖 Admonitions of the Court Instructress Final scene of the scroll, showing the Court Instructress Material Silk Size Length: 329 cm (130 in) Height: 25 cm (9.8&# …   Wikipedia

  • Copper Scroll — The Copper Scroll (3Q15) is one of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in Cave 3 near Khirbet Qumran, but differs significantly from the others. Whereas the other scrolls are written on parchment or papyrus, this scroll is written on metal: copper mixed… …   Wikipedia

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