To lay letters

To lay letters
Раскладывать литеры по ячейкам (кассы).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "To lay letters" в других словарях:

  • Lay's — Type Potato Chips Owner Pepsico Country United States Introduced 1932 …   Wikipedia

  • lay\ one's\ hands\ on — • lay one s hands on • get one s hands on • put one s hands on v. phr. 1. To seize in order to punish or treat roughly. If I ever lay my hands on that boy he ll be sorry. Compare: lay a finger on 2. To get possession of. He was unable to lay his… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • lay-off — ˈlay off , layoff noun [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES the act of stopping a worker s employment because there is not enough work for them to do: • a layoff affecting more than 500 workers • Some employees at the company are getting layoff notices ( …   Financial and business terms

  • lay siege to something or someone — lay siege to (something or someone) 1 : to surround (a city, building, etc.) with soldiers or police officers in order to try to take control of it The army laid siege to the city. 2 : to attack (something or someone) constantly or repeatedly… …   Useful english dictionary

  • lay one's hands on — or[get one s hands on] {v. phr.} 1. To seize in order to punish or treat roughly. * /If I ever lay my hands on that boy he ll be sorry./ Compare: LAY A FINGER ON. 2. To get possession of. * /He was unable to lay his hands on a Model T Ford for… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lay one's hands on — or[get one s hands on] {v. phr.} 1. To seize in order to punish or treat roughly. * /If I ever lay my hands on that boy he ll be sorry./ Compare: LAY A FINGER ON. 2. To get possession of. * /He was unable to lay his hands on a Model T Ford for… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lay siege to — phrasal 1. : to besiege militarily laid siege to the town 2. : to pursue diligently or persistently : besiege lays siege to Anastasie and is making excellent progress until he ventures a clumsy reference to her father E.K.Brown laid diplomatic… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Lay Carmelites — The Lay Carmelites is the name used today for the Third order associated with the Carmelites. It was established in 1476 by a bull of Pope Sixtus IV. It is known for devotion to Mary, under her title as Our Lady of Mount Carmel.Soon after the… …   Wikipedia

  • Kenneth Lay — Ken Lay redirects here. For the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police, see Ken Lay (police officer). Kenneth Lay Born Kenneth Lee Lay April 15, 1942(1942 04 15) Tyrone, Missouri, U.S …   Wikipedia

  • University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Arts and Letters — Infobox University name = UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS Faculty of Arts and Letters established = 1611 University 1896 Faculty of Philosophy and Letters 1926 College of Liberal Arts 1964 Faculty of Arts and Letters (Absorption of the Liberal Arts… …   Wikipedia

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