To cast off

To cast off
Рассчитывать набор; определять объём издания по рукописи.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "To cast off" в других словарях:

  • cast-off — cast offs also castoff ADJ: ADJ n Cast off things, especially clothes, are ones which someone no longer uses because they are old or unfashionable, and which they give to someone else or throw away. Alexandra looked plump and awkward in her cast… …   English dictionary

  • cast off (or cast something off) — 1》 Knitting take the stitches off the needle by looping each over the next to finish the edge. 2》 set a boat or ship free from her moorings. 3》 let loose a hunting hound or hawk. 4》 Printing estimate the space that will be taken in print by… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Cast-off — a. Cast or laid aside; thrown away; discarded; as, cast off clothes. Syn: discarded, junked, scrap(prenominal), waste. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cast off something — cast off (something) to get rid of something. Shirts and ties were being cast off in favor of informal clothes for business. Etymology: based on the literal meaning of cast off (= to unfasten the ropes holding a ship) …   New idioms dictionary

  • cast off — (something) to get rid of something. Shirts and ties were being cast off in favor of informal clothes for business. Etymology: based on the literal meaning of cast off (= to unfasten the ropes holding a ship) …   New idioms dictionary

  • cast-off — adj [only before noun] cast off clothes or other goods are not wanted or have been thrown away …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cast off — ► cast off 1) Knitting take the stitches off the needle by looping each over the next. 2) set a boat or ship free from its moorings. Main Entry: ↑cast …   English terms dictionary

  • cast-off — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ abandoned or discarded. ► NOUN ▪ a cast off garment …   English terms dictionary

  • cast|off — «KAST F, OF; KAHST », adjective, noun. –adj. thrown away; abandoned; discarded: »castoff clothes. –n. a person or thing that has been cast off: »... his everlasting castoffs (Charles Spurgeon). Thou shalt be From the city of the free Thyself a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cast off — index abandon (physically leave), abandon (relinquish), defect, derelict (abandoned), disencumber, disown ( …   Law dictionary

  • cast off — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you cast off something, you get rid of it because it is no longer necessary or useful to you, or because it is harmful to you. [LITERARY] → See also cast off [V P n (not pron)] The essay exhorts women to cast off their… …   English dictionary

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