Text processing system

Text processing system
Система обработки текста.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Text processing system" в других словарях:

  • Total Operations Processing System — (TOPS) ist ein Computersystem zur Verwaltung der Fahrzeuge (Lokomotiven und Wagen) einer Bahngesellschaft. Das System wurde ursprünglich von der Southern Pacific Railroad entwickelt. Viele Bahngesellschaften übernahmen das System. In Europa ist… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • word processing system — noun an application that provides the user with tools needed to write and edit and format text and to send it to a printer • Syn: ↑word processor • Hypernyms: ↑application, ↑application program, ↑applications programme …   Useful english dictionary

  • Text Executive Programming Language — In 1979, Honeywell Information Systems announced a new programming language for their time sharing service named TEX, an acronym for the Text Executive processor. TEX was a first generation scripting language, developed around the time of AWK and …   Wikipedia

  • Text mining — Text mining, sometimes alternately referred to as text data mining , roughly equivalent to text analytics , refers generally to the process of deriving high quality information from text. High quality information is typically derived through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Text simplification — is an operation used in natural language processing to modify, enhance, classify or otherwise process an existing corpus of human readable text in such a way that the grammar and structure of the prose is greatly simplified, while the underlying… …   Wikipedia

  • Text-based (computing) — Usually used in reference to a computer application, especially a computer game, a text based application is one whose primary input and output are based on text rather than graphics. This does not mean that text based applications do not have… …   Wikipedia

  • Text Engineering Software Laboratory — Tesla Entwickler Universität zu Köln Betriebssystem plattformunabhängig Programmier­sprache Java Kategorie Natural language processing …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • text — n. 1 the main body of a book as distinct from notes, appendices, pictures, etc. 2 the original words of an author or document, esp. as distinct from a paraphrase of or commentary on them. 3 a passage quoted from Scripture, esp. as the subject of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Processing (programming language) — Processing Paradigm(s) object oriented Appeared in 2001; 9 years ago (2001) …   Wikipedia

  • Text replacement — Text replacement, Replace as you type or AutoCorrect is a software function commonly found in word processors such as Microsoft Word. Its principal purpose is to correct common spelling or typing errors, saving time for the user. It is also used… …   Wikipedia

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