Suction disk

Suction disk
Диск, перекрывающий отверстие вакуумной системы.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Suction disk" в других словарях:

  • disk-winged bat — ▪ bat       any of three species of bats inhabiting Central America and northern South America that are distinguished by round disks at the base of the thumb and on the sole of the foot.       The disks act as suction cups and enable the bats to… …   Universalium

  • disk valve — noun : a valve opened or closed by a disk; often : a suction valve operated by a flexible disk (as of rubber or leather) …   Useful english dictionary

  • perciform — ▪ fish order Introduction       any member of the order Perciformes, a group of bony fishes with more than 6,000 species placed in about 150 families. The order is the largest group of fishes in the world today. Perciform fishes occur in… …   Universalium

  • ostariophysan — ▪ fish Introduction  any of about8,000 species of bony fishes (bony fish) belonging to a group that includes the majority of freshwater fishes throughout the world. Familiar representatives of this group are the minnows (minnow), suckers (sucker) …   Universalium

  • clingfish — /kling fish /, n., pl. (esp. collectively) clingfish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) clingfishes. any fish of the family Gobiesocidae, having a sucking disk on the abdomen for clinging to stones, debris, etc. [1890 95; CLING1 +… …   Universalium

  • ophthalmodynamometer — An instrument to measure the blood pressure in the retinal vessels. [ophthalmo + G. dynamis, power, + metron, measure] Bailliart o. an instrument used to measure the blood …   Medical dictionary

  • caterpillar — /kat euh pil euhr, kat euhr /, n. 1. the wormlike larva of a butterfly or a moth. 2. a person who preys on others; extortioner. [1400 50; late ME catyrpel, prob. alter. of an ONF var. of OF chatepelose, equiv. to chate CAT1 + pelose hairy ( L… …   Universalium

  • Caterpillar — /kat euh pil euhr, kat euhr /, Trademark. a tractor intended for rough terrain, propelled by two endless belts or tracks that pass over a number of wheels. * * * Larva of a butterfly or moth. Caterpillars have a cylindrical body consisting of 13… …   Universalium

  • remora — remÉ™rÉ™ n. any species of fish with a suction disk on the top of its head by which it attaches to sharks and other sea creatures …   English contemporary dictionary

  • remoras — remÉ™rÉ™ n. any species of fish with a suction disk on the top of its head by which it attaches to sharks and other sea creatures …   English contemporary dictionary

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