Separate pagination

Separate pagination
Раздельная пагинация.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Separate pagination" в других словарях:

  • Pagination — For other uses, see Pagination (disambiguation). Pagination is the process of dividing information (content) into discrete pages, either electronic pages or printed pages. Today the latter are usually simply instances of the former that have been …   Wikipedia

  • The Lovesick Court — The Lovesick Court, or the Ambitious Politique is a Caroline era stage play, a tragicomedy written by Richard Brome, and first published in 1659.Publication The Lovesick Court was entered into the Stationers Register on 4 August 1640 by the… …   Wikipedia

  • раздельная пагинация — Пагинация, состоящая из нескольких последовательных рядов нумерации страниц (листов) документов. [ГОСТ 7.76 96] раздельная пагинация Разбиение на страницы, при котором для каждого раздела данная операция производится отдельно (независимо от… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Panic of 1873 — A bank run on the Fourth National Bank, No. 20 Nassau Street, New York City, 1873. From Frank Leslie s Illustrated Newspaper, October 4, 1873. The Panic of 1873 triggered a severe international economic depression in both Europe and the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Judah ben Jacob Najar — (d. 1830) was a Talmudic scholar, author, dayyan, nephew of Judah Cohen Tanugi, and member of the rabbinate in Tunis, where he died at an advanced age. He was the author of the following works: * Limmude Adonai (Leghorn, 1787), containing 204… …   Wikipedia

  • John Josselyn — (fl. 1638 ndash; 1675) was a seventeenth century English traveler to New England who wrote with credulity about what he saw and heard during his sojourn there before returning to England. Yet his books give some of the earliest and most complete… …   Wikipedia

  • The New Academy — The New Academy, or the New Exchange is a Caroline era stage play, a comedy written by Richard Brome. It was first printed in 1659.Performance and publication The New Academy was premiered onstage in 1636. [Steggle, p. 222.] The play was entered… …   Wikipedia

  • Tribus musulmanes et juives de Yathrib — Les tribus musulmanes et juives de Yathrib (future Médine) sont la structure sociale au travers de laquelle s organisent les forces politiques et religieuses, dans l oasis de Médine, au début de l Hégire. En s appuyant sur les méthodes modernes… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Occitan language — Occitan occitan, lenga d òc Spoken in France Spain Italy Monaco Native speakers 800,000  (1999)[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Imperial cult (ancient Rome) — Ancient Roman religion Marcus Aurelius (head covered) sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter …   Wikipedia

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