Sensitizer bath

Sensitizer bath
Сенсибилизирующий раствор.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Sensitizer bath" в других словарях:

  • Gum bichromate — is a 19th century photographic printing process based on the light sensitivity of dichromates. It is capable of rendering painterly images from photographic negatives. Gum printing is traditionally a multi layered printing process, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Kallitype — is a process for making photographic prints.Patented in 1889 by W. W. J. Nicol, the Kallitype print is an iron silver process. A chemical process similar to the Van dyke brown based on the use of a combination of ferric and silver salts. Many… …   Wikipedia

  • Cyanotype — Anna Atkins algae Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that gives a cyan blue print. The process was popular in engineering circles well into the 20th century. The simple and low cost process enabled them to produce large scale copies of… …   Wikipedia

  • Albumen print — The albumen print, also called albumen silver print, was invented in 1850 by Louis Désiré Blanquart Evrard, and was the first commercially exploitable method of producing a photographic print on a paper base from a negative. It used the albumen… …   Wikipedia

  • photoengraving — /foh toh en gray ving/, n. 1. a photographic process of preparing printing plates for letterpress printing. 2. a plate so produced. 3. a print made from it. [1870 75; PHOTO + ENGRAVING] * * * Any of several processes for producing printing plates …   Universalium

  • Color photography — Color film redirects here. For the motion picture equivalent, see Color motion picture film. A circa 1850 Hillotype photograph of a colored engraving. Long believed to be a complete fraud, recent testing found that Levi Hill s process did… …   Wikipedia

  • Infrared photography — Top: tree photographed in the near infrared range. Bottom: same tree in the visible part of the spectrum …   Wikipedia

  • explosive — explosively, adv. explosiveness, n. /ik sploh siv/, adj. 1. tending or serving to explode: an explosive temper; Nitroglycerin is an explosive substance. 2. pertaining to or of the nature of an explosion: explosive violence. 3. likely to lead to… …   Universalium

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