Security collection

Security collection
Надёжно сохраняемый комплект документов или копий.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Security collection" в других словарях:

  • Security Audit — Als IT Sicherheitsaudit (englisch IT Security Audit; von lateinisch audit: „er/sie hört“; sinngemäß: „er/sie überprüft“) werden in der Informationstechnik (IT) Maßnahmen zur Risiko und Schwachstellenanalyse (engl. Vulnerability Scan) eines IT… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Security Scan — Als IT Sicherheitsaudit (englisch IT Security Audit; von lateinisch audit: „er/sie hört“; sinngemäß: „er/sie überprüft“) werden in der Informationstechnik (IT) Maßnahmen zur Risiko und Schwachstellenanalyse (engl. Vulnerability Scan) eines IT… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Security Test — Als IT Sicherheitsaudit (englisch IT Security Audit; von lateinisch audit: „er/sie hört“; sinngemäß: „er/sie überprüft“) werden in der Informationstechnik (IT) Maßnahmen zur Risiko und Schwachstellenanalyse (engl. Vulnerability Scan) eines IT… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Security level management — (SLM) comprises a quality assurance system for electronic information security. The aim of SLM is to display the IT security status transparently across a company at any time, and to make IT security a measurable quantity. Transparency and… …   Wikipedia

  • Security Information Management — (SIM) is the industry specific term in computer security referring to the collection of data (typically log files; e.g. eventlogs) into a central repository for trend analysis. SIM is a relatively new idea, pioneered in 1999 by a small company… …   Wikipedia

  • Security printing — is the field of the printing industry that deals with the printing of items such as banknotes, passports, tamper evident labels, stock certificates, postage stamps and identity cards. The main goal of security printing is to prevent forgery,… …   Wikipedia

  • collection box — A blue painted street box with the USPS logo used by the public to deposit mail. Each box is equipped with a security lock. It has a uniform appearance and a nationwide identification system that distinguishes the type of service provided at each …   Glossary of postal terms

  • Security regulation — What are PMSCs? = Private military and security companies (PMSCs) are businesses that offer specialised services related to war and conflict, including combat operations, strategic planning, intelligence collection, operational and logistical… …   Wikipedia

  • security — Common or preferred stock; a bond of a corporation, government, or quasi government body. Chicago Board of Trade glossary Piece of paper that proves ownership of stocks, bonds, and other investments. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Amount that… …   Financial and business terms

  • Collection (museum) — A catalogue using index cards A museum is distinguished by a collection of often unique objects that forms the core of its activities for exhibitions, education, research, etc. This differentiates it from an archive or library, where the …   Wikipedia

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